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F8-V2 by Music Unfolding is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin for macOS. It functions as an Audio Units Plugin.
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The Collective 8 Audio Unit Bundle consists of three Audio Units: F8-V2, Mod8 and Res8. All three share a similar amplitude modulation sequence configuration. The audio stream is copied into 8 identical streams and an amplitude modulation pattern can be applied to each stream. The amplitude modulation patterns can be drawn to any shape, with an-easy-to use editing environment that automatically appears when hovering over the patterns with a mouse. Each stream also has filters or effects applied to it individually. The streams are then mixed back together.

The plug-ins:

  • F8-V2 has LFOs, which are applied to highpass, bandpass or lowpass filters.
  • Res8 has a choice of a driven, nonlinear, multi-stage filter or formant filters that can be independently applied to each audio stream.
  • Mod8 has a range of modulation effects like vibrato and ring modulation. It also has echo, reverb, sub-octave, and pitch shifting.

The result is up to 8 different effects running all at the same time, each with its own settings and amplitude sequences. This layering gives unlimited options to create incredibly interesting effects, from intricate and wild effects, to rich, textured reverb, echo, chorus-type effects. The Collective 8 Audio Units come with hundreds of presets. Amplitude modulation patterns can be copied and pasted within each AU or between them.

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