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Modular V3 has an average user rating of 3.90 from 10 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Modular V3

Modular V3

Reviewed By codevyper [all]
August 17th, 2010
Version reviewed: 2 on Windows

I recently bought the Arturia V2 Collection and this VST was part of that collection. Arturia has hit it out of the park on a number of their VSTs and it seems that the MMV and the Prophet V are their flagship VSTs. The sound is amazing and the VST is rock solid and stable. I've used it in several popular hosts and had no problems with any of them.

If you are a knob jocky, then this VST is NOT for you! This is subtractive synthesis in the raw. They way it used to be done before the advent of digital programming circuitry. You need a little understanding of the concepts of subtractive synthesis to get the most out of this VST. You don't have to be a rocket scientist though and once you get used to how to patch modules together, you'll fly around the interface just the same as you would with any other VST.

The beauty of the modular is that there is way more flexibility than what you would get out of any other hardware synth that succeeded the modular era, because signal routing isn't the cut and dry oscillator to VCF to VCA signal chain we've all come to see in so many synths. This means you can get some truely unique sounds that are unobtainable by most other VSTs.

The downside to this VST is simply the scrolling, but there really isn't any other way to do it on a computer monitor, and if you reduced the size of everything to fit on a screen it would make it harder to see and subtract from the visual aesthetics of this VST.

This is one of the funnest VSTs to play with. Sometimes I just start patching stuff together to see what I come up with.
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Comments & Discussion for Arturia Modular V3

Discussion: Active
Guy Richardson
Guy Richardson
22 September 2012 at 9:35am

Lovely set of sounds by skawiwen - thank you. Is there much demand for new sounds for the Modular - I have some nice things I could upload if there is interest?

29 November 2012 at 9:14am

@billbuxton: I would definitely be interested :)

Guy Richardson
Guy Richardson
7 December 2012 at 3:38am

OK Adagiocm - there's a few sounds to play with. Cheers Bill

8 December 2012 at 6:30am

Fantastic sounds, thank you Bill ! I especially like the pads a lot.

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