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Substantial Amp

Reviewed By batcave [all]
January 14th, 2009
Version reviewed: ? on Windows

How many times have we heard an element in music that is “so wrong it’s right”, well, that accurately describes SubstancialAmp, and most of RunBeerRun’s releases. Think of that roaring distortion-in-a-tin-can-type sound on Scott Weiland’s solo record, this, is that ‘type’ of sound. So forget realistic, and subtlety, and have some wacky fun for a change. SubstancialAmp is more than just a ton of distortion dropped from a crane, it also has crazy EQ to keep it alive and feedback control too, lots of it, over-the-frigging top, I’m listening to the feedback as I write this, it’s rich, endless, & can be modulated over time, here, let me demonstrate for you by turning feedback #1 a little and sSSCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! : ah, heaven.
This Developer gives you only a short text file, just a few most basic instructions before you’re off to make dogs howl or scramble airport-control-radars... and as a bonus you get some of the most original UIs ever, easy to understand and use, unpretentious, and totally appropriate to the product at hand.
(yes, I may enjoy my share of realistically shaded pseudo-hardware GUIs, but I have to admit they are pretentious)
My only feature disappointment is that only the limiter section is accessible by midi controller (some of the deadliest parameters get away)

note: Putting most RunBeerRun fare into the mix is like releasing godzilla on a small town, precautions must be taken, use a limiter in master channel, wear a safety hat etc . Also the audio triggered synth plugs may not be easy to control at first, this stuff is dirty and unruly, but worth it, and not just to see musicians from neighboring jam rooms run in a panic to ask “What’s wrong?”, (the answer is usually ‘PlasticGuitarist’ or ‘NoiseFeather’ and it can sound like the sky is falling) Even at low volume levels these plugs can eat up all the frequencies and drown out everything, severe eq may be needed to allow other elements of your song a place to live, use sends, whatever, just put your creativity and know-how to the test, and tame the beast, it’s an inspiring, and most of all FUN learning experience.
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