filterscape and filterscape Q6: sidechain bug

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Hi Urs,

When I open filterscape or fsc q6 in logic7 in an audio instrument slot as an "AU MIDI controlled FX", I immediately get a buzzing tone, but no input from the sidechain.


(Logic Pro 7.1, dual G5 desktop, Mac OS 10.3.9)


Oh ha...

I'll look into that today... havn't heard anything like that before... need a coffee first...


;) Urs


That's interesting. I can see that they process the audio correctly, but I can't get any sound, regardless of Universal Track Mode (which had to be switched off for side chaining in 6.1 or so).


Will check some stuff...

;) Urs


It's working fine in Logic 5.5.1/PC.
Btw, before I forget again, it'd be nice to have some modifier key resetting the step sequencers steps to zero.

Uh, just while I fooled around with it, I discovered a bug: When using the ModWheel, the routings are changing. Yeah, ModWheel seems to be hardwired to the FX routing.
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.


Sascha Franck wrote:Uh, just while I fooled around with it, I discovered a bug: When using the ModWheel, the routings are changing. Yeah, ModWheel seems to be hardwired to the FX routing.
Have you tried Midi-Unlearning it? - Check C:\Programme\u-he\Support\com.u-he.Filterscape.midimap.txt


;) Urs


Errrrrm... same error as before. That of course was it, Urs. It didn't show up in the map txt though... there's still a lot of midimap.txt things created next to my songfiles - or better: sometimes I can just find them *somewhere*, in this case for instance all the files I found were blank, indicating that no MIDI learn was happening.

Anyways, it's back to normal now.

There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.

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