I ask for testing, and wisdom from the synth edit gurus....

Modular Synth design and releases (Reaktor, SynthEdit, Tassman, etc.)
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I have made a nice machine with: 2 pd osc, 1 analog osc, fm style mod routable from osc 3 to the pd osc's, 2 filters (one sv, one moog style) with routable env control and separately routable output, 3 lfo's one of which is bpm sync'd, plus separate lfo for mod depth in pd osc's, 12 destination modulation web for lfo's, and built in chorus module. It can make pretty sounds. I am wondering if some pple want to try it out and give some critique, and more specifically some advice from those who have built more than I have (since this is my first, that is not much of a criteria :) ).
My main problem is: CPU !!! However, I use a 670 mghz Celeron, and not at peak efficiency right now :roll: Get it here: r http://members.shaw.ca/kryos1/

I have included the synth edit patch, in case someone is interested in helping/ colaborating. I will be gratefull to anyone who has advice on efficency for complex SE synths, or on what this synth could benefit from.
Thanx a million, peepz! :D
Last edited by Z3R0T0N1N on Wed Jan 08, 2003 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.


I'm downloading it now and will scope it out for you..



EDIT.. ummm I'm have trouble unrar-ing it :? any chance you could put it up as a zip :)


Yup! I'll just do that now. Check when you read this, I might be done :D


OK, I've had a preliminary first look at it and to be honest I am not suprised that there is a bit of a CPU issue as you have managed to include just about every trick in the book. :o I was hovering about the 80% on my P4 1.7 but of more concern was that the CPU usage went UP when I stopped playing notes.
As far as collaborating goes I tend to concentrate on smaller more 'one trick pony' plug-ins so I am probably not the best man to assist, however I am sure that there are others who would like to create the ultimate SynthEdit SuperSynth, just look at the interest that the KvR Rompler has caused.
I enjoyed exploring the synth, though, and best of luck with your future work..



Sounds like a denormal problem is in there if the usage goes up upon release.


Thank you for your interest and for the feedback. Yeah, it is a bit of a monster, isn't it? I really want this to work though, as it is kind of a dream synth for me :D I really do appreciate you having a look, and very much value anything you have to say about it. Thanx again. :)

MisterToast: A de-what-al what?? I am afraid I am a real newbie to the teck stuff. Would you perhaps have time to give a bit of an explanation, and possible cause/solution? As I have said before, anyone who feels like sharing some knowlege - please do :D
In the mean time I am doing a bit of a stripped down version, so I'll keep y' posted.

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