logic 8 and mono tracks

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I'm using Arts Acoustic in Logic 8 and it seems to only allow me to use it on stereo tracks. Is that normal? There are plenty of mono tracks I've recorded (like vocals) that I would love to use the plug-in for, but it doesn't seem to let me do so. Anyone know what's going on or how I might fix the problem? Thanks.


Hi gendefect,

In Logic 8, to insert a stereo plugin on a mono track, simply hold down the alt-key when clicking on an empty insert slot. Logic will then show the stereo versions of all plugins, and also the ArtsAcoustic Reverb.

Also, you could work with a send. Just send from your mono track to an aux channelstrip with the AAR inserted.

There is no special mono version of the AAR. Although we discussed this a few times, we decided not to make one. Mono reverbs are not very common, and the AAR also would not benefit too much in terms of CPU load because of its internal structure.

So, for those rare situations, where mono reverbs are wanted, we suggest to use the stereo version of the AAR that can easily be turned to mono by seting the room width to zero or by using a panpot.

Hope these information help!
kind regards, timo


Yes, that just the information I was looking for. Thanks for the help.

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