Amazed, and inspired...

Locked New Topic


Tim Conrardy is gone to Heaven, leaving behind a legion of mourners, due to a life lived so greatly. Having been gifted, yet working hard to polish his gifts, having accomplished much quite worthy of boasting, but choosing instead to share his jewels of knowledge, pressed for time by newbies and customers, yet patient and detailed in reply, we all recognized in him that rarest of souls, the kind and true friend that strangers can trust, that those in need can turn to with confidence and hope. Who among us has not pressed a key, and been suddenly amazed and inspired, by unspeakably wonderful sounds, and moved beyond our means to some new
sonic delight, because Tim Conrardy chose to press on, to challenge, to discover, and to share the joy of all that came his way?

While saddened and troubled by his sudden passing, the amazed and inspired part will triumph, with a newfound reverence for this wonderful collection of instruments, and his gift to us of brilliant preset keys, to unlock the treasures of these, and the many other instruments he gladly labored over, to bring us along on a great and enduring ride. An unforgettable friend has moved on to the place of infinite wonders, so the best is yet to come!


glokraw wrote:Tim Conrardy is gone to Heaven
That's up to Tim, then. Isn't it? Let't leave it there, yeah? After all, making judgments, etc... are impolite and incorrect, for the most part. After all, not everyone believes that things in the spiritual world proceed in the same way that they do in the material world. Regardless, your point is taken.

The thing to remember here is this: the school of life is an opportunity to improve. I'm pretty sure that Tim took advantage of this. In fact, I'm just as sure he hopes you do, as well. Cheers.

Wishing you all the love in the world,
ugh...a G&L player ;)
I've got nothing to I on the right site?


ughnonumus wrote:
glokraw wrote:Tim Conrardy is gone to Heaven
That's up to Tim, then. Isn't it? Let't leave it there, yeah? After all, making judgments, etc... are impolite and incorrect, for the most part. After all, not everyone believes that things in the spiritual world proceed in the same way that they do in the material world. Regardless, your point is taken.
Agreed. Tim is in some good karmic place, whatever and wherever that is.
We escape the trap of our own subjectivity by
perceiving neither black nor white but shades of grey


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