Zen known issues

Official support for: bigtickaudio.com


I'll consolidate all bug reports for Zen 1.5 here. Feel free to add !
It doesn't work with Logic Audio.
I can't do much about it until I get a Logic license. If you have one to spare please send me a message.
No sound in AULab.
This is a issue with the Symbiosis wrapper, see here
Aspect/OSX crash when switching vsti's with Aspect editor open.
I've let Loomer know of this.
No sounds with Synth1
Update to the Synth1 V1.12
All Sylenth1 presets sound the same
Many Zen presets have been uploaded with Sylenth1 2.211. Earlier versions of Sylenth1 won't load these presets, and play the default sound instead. Update to the latest beta of Sylenth1.
Autoimport doesn't work with all Linplug and Image-Line synths, Vaz+, Kubik
This is a bug in the plugins (they don't call updateDisplay when switching presets). Their respective authors have been notified.
Issues with PreSonus Studio1 :
- Zen crashes with when selecting a Crystal preset
- Window size is slightly too large
Confirmed this with the Studio1 demo, working on a fix.

I had also problems getting sound at all with Studio1 - turned out that you need to enable the Zen Main out in the instrument SEND bus. This is also the case for all vstis with more than 2 outputs.
Last edited by Big Tick on Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:29 pm, edited 8 times in total.


Big Tick wrote:
Issues with Orion Pro:
- Window size is too large
- Vsti window is not opened in its own window
Problem similar to the one with Studio1.
Posted this elsewhere (in the 'ZEN released' topic) but add here:

Here (using Orion of course) the VSTi does open in it's own window but the window disappears when dragging over the ZEN UI window.

Also, a similar thing to the 'window too large' issue happens with ZEN standalone when opening SQ8L from within ZEN: in this case the SQ8L window is (just a few pixels) too wide on the right side.
CrimsonWarlock aka TechnoGremlin, Moved to Reason and Rack Extensions exclusively (from Reaper and VSTs) several years ago.

Ragnarök VST-synthesizer co-creator with Full Bucket


Also, on some systems, the standalone aborts with a cryptic "runtime error" message. Can anyone confirm it doesn't happen with the plugin, though ?


Another one, posted in the ZEN-topic on the Reaper forum:
the settings window show 50 ms latency by default while my asio-driver is set to 384 samples. ZEN forces my asio driver to 2048 samples, totally unusable for playing from a midi-keyboard. My audio card is a m-audio 2496 (for now, I have a Fast Track Ultra 8R waiting to get installed ). It's double bad because when applications are forcing the asio-driver to a certain setting then that is the setting the asio-driver retains (until you set it otherwise) so every other audio-app is then using that 'wrong' setting.
I found a workaround for now: switch to a non-asio driver, then I can set the millisecs to a lower value, then switch back to the asio-driver and it will set its framerate to an approximation of the ms-setting in ZEN. Still have to find a setting that is working correct; at 10 ms my asio-setting goes to 384 samples, I use this with both Reaper and Orion with no problems, but in ZEN this gives a very distorted sound.

Will test some more ;)
CrimsonWarlock aka TechnoGremlin, Moved to Reason and Rack Extensions exclusively (from Reaper and VSTs) several years ago.

Ragnarök VST-synthesizer co-creator with Full Bucket


Yes, I can't get rid of latency when using the standalone - even using the ASIO driver set at the minimum buffer size, latency is very noticeable.


A very minor point - Zen didn't like the use of none standard text elements, é and œ, in a one of my patch names.


Big Tick wrote:Also, on some systems, the standalone aborts with a cryptic "runtime error" message. Can anyone confirm it doesn't happen with the plugin, though ?
This happens to me - "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library" - "Runtime error" it happens on all czech Windows XP versions. But it's interesting I can't Zen open in Reaper either - it says me an error during scanning. I'm sad :(


I just did a new install of Zen 1.4 on my new music PC. The list of synths to select from does not seem to include Blooo? It's listed on the web site, and I know from a previous install on my old PC that it used to be there. Was it deliberately removed or is something amiss?



No, it's still there - but it's called "The Blooo", so you'll need to scroll down to letter 'T' :)



Big Tick wrote:No, it's still there - but it's called "The Blooo", so you'll need to scroll down to letter 'T' :)
Ouch, I should never have put the "the" into "the blooo"... now it's always sorted down. :cry:
Maybe I'll rename it to "a blooo" :D

Cheers Björn


Well I can rename it to "Blooo" if you want :)


boriskarloff wrote:
Big Tick wrote:Also, on some systems, the standalone aborts with a cryptic "runtime error" message. Can anyone confirm it doesn't happen with the plugin, though ?
This happens to me - "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library" - "Runtime error" it happens on all czech Windows XP versions. But it's interesting I can't Zen open in Reaper either - it says me an error during scanning. I'm sad :(
+1! How to fix it? :wink:

Win7 32bit (RU)
Sound Design, Music Production


Hmmm, sounds like it might be an issue with non-english OS'es.

Do you have the latest version ? Is there anything displayed in the log file ?

Also, can you send me the exact message displayed in Reaper ?


Big Tick wrote:Hmmm, sounds like it might be an issue with non-english OS'es.

Do you have the latest version ? Is there anything displayed in the log file ?

Also, can you send me the exact message displayed in Reaper ?
Sure... Here it is:

This is the REAPER error window:

And the error window of the standalone application:

Zen ver. 1.6.1 beta (downloaded today from the official site)
Sound Design, Music Production


Can you email the log file to bigtick@bigtickaudio.com ?
Thanks !

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