Shreddage X - Electric guitar samples reloaded - Now released! ($20 upgrade, $69 bundle)

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Check it out at the link below! $20 for 1,000 new samples, Kontakt 4 format, adding on to the original library. This page will be updated with more demos and reviews/testimonials as they come in. ... hreddage-x

As a reminder, we have a YouTube tutorial for the library here:

Stay tuned to that channel (mine) as I'll be posting more tutorials soon.
Shreddage 3 Stratus: Next generation Kontakt Player guitar, now available!

Impact Soundworks - Cinematic sounds, world instruments, electric guitars, synths, percussion, plugins + more!


Finally. Bought it.

After the purchase there was a link to a survey, but it didn't work.
Just sends me to the starting page of surveymonkey.
Andy is a support ninja.


Worth the wait. Absolutely. Once again I'm blown away by shreddage. I can't tell you how much I love the new Ab tuning and hard sustains! Hard sustains especially in the new lower register sounds absolutely brutal!! Tremolo picking articulation allows me to explore a whole new kind of metal! I am extremely pleased with the portamento slides too! Again, adds a new dimension to my riffs. Shreddage has never been better!
I almost feel bad for having these new features for 20$.
I'm really hoping to see ISW grow even more and have you guys come up with more killer sample libraries!

-Happy customer-


Bought. Can't wait to load it after work tonight!

Hope to post some songs next week featuring a lot of ISW libraries.


G1MM3 those riffzhh! what a sick little rompler patch you've got here, sirs. I've been wondering when sample devs catch up on the K4 KSP abilities and explore that further :)



just purchased thanks for the heads ^


Having used the Shreddage bundle for two days now, I am seriously impressed. I never expected to have a guitar VI that sounds this authentic. Big up for everyone involved in making this product!

One thing I was wondering though.. is there an easy way to use microtuning with this? I know that there is a .tun to .ksp converter app, but is it possible/easy to use a tuning .ksp with Shreddage, as you are already using scripting in the patches?


To be honest, I've never tried microtuning. However, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to use a microtuning script in addition to what we have. As you may have seen in the tutorial, adding something like a tuning randomizer as a script works fine with no tweaking necessary.
Shreddage 3 Stratus: Next generation Kontakt Player guitar, now available!

Impact Soundworks - Cinematic sounds, world instruments, electric guitars, synths, percussion, plugins + more!


Thanks for clarifying this. For some reason, using Kontakt in other ways besides just playing ready-made libraries is still new to me..

Knowing that what I want is not outright impossible makes me want to dig in and get this sorted out. Heck, I can't wait to hear some oriental Shreddage goodness :D This exceeds my expectations once again!



I'm just a hobbyist, but I wanted to let you know that Shreddage X has been inspiring to work with. Even the very first thing I made with the library sounded great to me and made me want to keep working on it. It loads extremely fast (which is great since I open and close my projects often) and has a fantastic sound that captures the very essence of the "metal" character. It's been, by far, the best purchase I've made.

I'm looking forward to seeing what Impact Soundworks comes up with next.


Can anyone confirm if Shreddage X includes double-tracked patches? I love this about the original, but don't see it mentioned with the update.

What's the word?


Shreddage X is double tracked. You get:

Shreddage X Master Multi.nkm

Shreddage X Quick Play Master.nki
DT Shreddage X Quick Play Master.nki

RH Stops (Release).nki
DT RH Stops (Release).nki

RH LH Fret Noise (Release).nki
DT RH LH Fret Noise (Release).nki

LH Chord Stops (Release).nki
DT LH Chord Stops (Release).nki

They just aren't separated into subdirectories like they are in the original Shreddage.

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