Soundiron's New Tuned Micro

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We're happy to announce the official release of our new Tuned Micro library for Kontakt. It's a compact but powerful little multi-instrument collection focusing on a variety of our unique stringed and tuned percussion instruments. We took a dozen of the popular instruments found in our Stringed & Tuned Percussion Bundle and selected a core set of samples from each that offer a good introduction to the signature style, flavor, tone and quality you can expect from our full libraries.

You'll find a useful taste of Bamblong, Circlebells, Cylindrum, Imbibaphones, Kalimba, Music Box, The Struck Grand, Toy Glockenspiel, Twine Bass, Waterharp, Whaledrum and Zitherette. These products can be heard in a long list of films, television shows, video games, trailers, commercials, and records around the world. We pre-released this library through Time & Space last month and are now offering it to everyone directly. Check out our demos here:

The instruments were recorded in a variety of locations, from dry studio to underground bunker, using large diaphragm mics in wide stereo pairs for clarity, presence and body. Soundiron libraries are known for rigorous deep sampling, so while Tuned Micro's sample pool has been streamlined down to an optimal 2 round-robins and 2-4 velocity layers each, every instrument has been carefully reprogrammed to retain organic playability and dynamic responsiveness. Basically, it's a small taste, but we've designed it to be fully useable and sound great.

This library includes an all-inclusive master preset, with a dual-layer mixer that allows direct access to all of the 20 individual instrument articulations available in Tuned Micro. With two independently controllable layers, users can load and play any two articulations simultaneously (such as the Bamblong and Water Harp). Each layer can be switched instantly in real-time, with fully automatable controls, such as volume, attack, start offset, release gating and re-tuning. It's all right there at your fingertips, so you won't have to go digging through loads of presets to try out different sounds. Check out the UI:


It also features a basic version of our Uberpeggiator system, which lets you create complex and adaptive arpeggiations with drawable velocity/rhythm step-sequencer. There's a 3-band EQ with gain, frequency and bandwidth controls and a convolution reverb effect that includes 6 custom spaces and 6 special FX impulses.

Tuned Micro contains 285 samples and 248 MB of content, optimized to 156MB after lossless ncw compression. This instrument is designed for the full version of Kontakt 4.2.4 and later. The free Kontakt Player doesn't support this library.

Click Here for the full pdf user manual.

Click Here for ordering info.

It's available now for only $19.99 and you can use the full value toward the purchase of our complete Stringed & Tuned Percussion Collection, our signature 13-library tuned and stringed percussion bundle. If you already own our stringed & tuned bundle and would like a copy of Tune Micro, just send us an email and we'll hook you up.

Here's a full walk-through video by Brad Halverson that shows many of the features and sounds in Tuned Micro in a solo arrangement:

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