TX16Wx 2.2.0 for Windows and MacOSX is now available

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EvilDragon wrote:When playing a screaming shredding monophonic lead, it's to have perfect legato without effort. ;) Sustain pedal holds down the notes indeed (so I can play staccato if I want but they'll be connected), but it doesn't eat out the retriggers, so I can shred away without worrying about notes dropping out when I do any jumps and over-under fingerings.
So what you are saying is not that you don't want the sustain not to impact mono mode, but you want a re-trigger due to held notes to have higher priority than the sustenuto. I.e. treat a held key in mono/legato mode with the same prio as a real note-on.
That does make sense, and also again illustrates the benefit of actually explaining what it is one wants ;-)

On it.
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Precisely! :)

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