Commercial Tracktion users ...

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Jules has said from the start that he planned for some type of video support in a future version.


Has he? When?
"my gosh it's a friggin hardware"


I don't see how the discussion of video support in a thread entitled (shit i forgot what it was entitled...there goes ma' argument :? ) .. "Commercial Tracktion users" can be considered "off topic" .. but hey, I'm not trying to start an argument with ya Martin :)

I will say that I would find the implementation of rewire slave option for Tracktion or Revision (OSX only 'tho) would allow me to use Tracktion commercially and reasonably elegantly. The Revision/Reason or Revision/Live/Plogue combos are very stable, although they definitely require a dual monitor setup.



You mean we ever stay on topic? :-)

Just to be clear, I don't use Tracktion commercially because no-one in their right mind would pay me to mix their music. To be honest, I doubt there are that many quote-unquote "pro" stuios that would settle on Tracktion, because it doesn't integrate with external controllers, because it still has some random bugs (not that Cubase doesn't, of course), but mostly because I think studio owners would be more inclined to trust (rightly or wrongly) a big, established, "everyone-elses-uses-it" product.

Personally, I love the fact that Tracktion seems to be targeted more at the hobby/bedroom/semi-pro/music-making market than the "I-have-a-hundred-grand's-worth-of-equiment" market. ;-)

"Life is both a major and a minor key"
-- Travis, Side


Jules has said from the start that he planned for some type of video support in a future version.
I wonder if the Mackie deal has changed that.Also if Jules does implement that feature how many of you would use it for commercial work?
I will say that I would find the implementation of rewire slave option for Tracktion or Revision (OSX only 'tho) would allow me to use Tracktion commercially and reasonably elegantly. The Revision/Reason or Revision/Live/Plogue combos are very stable, although they definitely require a dual monitor setup.

I think that the rewire slave option is unlikely, I get the feeling that is not the real direction that Jules wants Tracktion to go in, but it would really add to the flexibility of the program. I really think Tracktion 2 will cause a real stir in terms of features when it comes out, it may well have this addition in it.
Just to be clear, I don't use Tracktion commercially because no-one in their right mind would pay me to mix their music. To be honest, I doubt there are that many quote-unquote "pro" stuios that would settle on Tracktion, because it doesn't integrate with external controllers, because it still has some random bugs (not that Cubase doesn't, of course), but mostly because I think studio owners would be more inclined to trust (rightly or wrongly) a big, established, "everyone-elses-uses-it" product.

Personally, I love the fact that Tracktion seems to be targeted more at the hobby/bedroom/semi-pro/music-making market than the "I-have-a-hundred-grand's-worth-of-equiment" market.

Certainly there is a long way to go for Tracktion in terms of adoption by Pro studios and it may never happen. But the Mackie deal certainly adds weight to the possibility. I think the Protools hold on professional studios is just to strong at the moment to say the least.



Tracktion has paid itself many times over for me. T2 upgrade is going to be covered with a single small project in August.

Screw video.



Who would have thought a £50 / $80 investment could provide so many answers to frustrated Cubase, Logic and Sonar users!

It is ironic (correct me if I am wrong) that Tracktion was developed as a result of Jules frustration with Cubase or one of the other well known applications out there!

Just imagine if Jules had thought to himself....this whole sequencer thing is as good as it's going to get why even think of developing my own sequencer! :o

I'm currently working on a contemporary Gospel rap hip hop project in Tracktion, it will probably be a 15 track album.

Just putting the finishing touches to the first two tracks. 8)The first Track should be released within the next 2 months. :wink:

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