Spitfire products require spitfire account and download software

Official support for: bestservice.de


The good thing with Bestservice is that it doesn't normally require signing up for all the different software manufacturers. A one stop shop which equals ease of use and customer comfort.
But not with Spitfire products. After sales you are required to make an account with Spitfire and download their download software. This is annoying and contrary to the idea of Bestservice being your broker, your one stop shop.
Manufacturers still hope that everyone will belong to their private ecosystem. What if at amazon you would have to make an account at every individual author's website before being able to enjoy their books? No one would ever buy a book again.
Make good software, that is the best advertising. Trying to force people into your own private ecosystem is not. Unless you can provide more or less everything a customer would ever need, long tail market, like amazon's or, in this case, Bestservice.
Practices like this make it more difficult for musicians, defying all concept of customer service or comfort. Sad!


looks like you are an completly newbie . its not only on Best Service . on every shop over the Internet which sells Spitfire products you needs to register it directly at the developer site and download from there . its not only on Spitfire Products , its in general . its on many many products you needs to register it on the developer sites .


Spitfire download software is great - downloads and installs without user intervention. You can just leave it downloading overnight and in the morning - just sit down and play!

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