My DIY Home Studio Desk - with plans!

...and how to do so...
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Hi folks! I recently finished building my home studio desk. A few people said they'd like to have some plans - so I made a video guide, with some downloadable plans!

Just follow the link!


Thank you very much!!




Thank you - glad its useful!


Very nice desk. I did build my own desk as well, but after a while I changed it because my Tascam US-2400 was to high up for me to work comfortably. I ended up lowering part of the desk so the Tascam would sit 'in the desk' instead of 'on the desk'.

So how do you experience your Mackie controllers sitting that high up?

I'm currently working on the design for a new desk. Funny enough I want to get rid of my monitor stands and have them on the desk (for space considerations, being able to fit a second set of monitors). I'm designing with FreeCAD which is the premier free parametric cad system. For those interested:
CrimsonWarlock aka TechnoGremlin, Moved to Reason and Rack Extensions exclusively (from Reaper and VSTs) several years ago.


Its just about OK to have the controllers that high. I'm not sure I'm committed enough yet to fit the controllers into the desk - but I surely see where you are coming from!


Thanks for your reply.

My mixing sessions are pretty involved (progrock, lots of vocal tracks and such, at least 70+ total mixer channels) so I need a comfortable position for my controller.
CrimsonWarlock aka TechnoGremlin, Moved to Reason and Rack Extensions exclusively (from Reaper and VSTs) several years ago.


Great video
Congrats for this impressive project


Always cool to see this sort of thing. I'm currently fixing up my desk setup


Very cool. Would've liked to know how much it cost to build though.


Oooh, have you decided how you will use the studio? What about tube preamps?
Image Telegraph Audio. We shape the music.


very Impressive table Mike!


Great desk! Very cool.


Nice desk, do you think it could be easily modified for a slight angle slope towards you (away from the speakers) to minimise desk reflections?


Very nice. Though you attempted to show and explain all that went into this I'm sure a 10 minute video doesn't do it justice.
Very nice desk. Lots of hard work. Excellent results!

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