Building ZynAddSubFX On Raspberry Pi 3B+

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I've managed to guess at most dependencies and have successfully built the zynaddsubfx application on a RockPi 3B+ running Raspbian, but even though cmake reports finding JACK the build reports JACK NOT enabled. In addition, although I think I've got all the ALSA packages installed, it reports ALSA as NOT found and NOT enabled. Similarly it reports PA as found but NOT enabled. And I have not yet been able to figure out what the "ntk" package is or where to get it. I did find NetLabTK at this link (
and built it, but cmake reports ntk as NOT found. This may not be the right ntk, but I'm not sure of that.

1. What is cmake looking for to satisfy finding ALSA?
2. What is necessary to enable JACK, PA, DSSI and ALSA once it's found
3. What is the "ntk" package and where should I look for it.



Are you trying to build Zyn Fusion?
In the future there will be robots!


Sounds like you ran cmake once, saw the missing dependencies, installed them, and then reran cmake. If that's the case, that explains the mismatch. You should be able to resolve the issue by either creating a new build directory and running cmake cleanly or by setting the desired on-off states in cmake using the ccmake frontend.
One of the developers on the ZynAddSubFX open source synth
The author of the Zyn-Fusion UI for ZynAddSubFX


You could check out open source Zynthian, is runs on Rpi3 and has zyn as one of its synths, highly recommended. It may also help your build issues.

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