Whats your all-purpose/secret sauce compressor plugin?

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TrackComp has a mode that can cover everything. I may like some other compressors more, but if I could only have one compressor it would be TrackComp.


TDR Kotelnikov, it sounds good on everything, even though it's a clean compressor.


Quite like the Voosteq Material Comp as an all rounder


if i told you then it wouldn't be a secret sauce now would it?
"There is no strength in numbers... have no such misconception... but when you need me be assured I won't be far away."


In software I often use the Logic stock compressor. It’s actually really usable.. has a range of different styles of compressor emulation built-in, a limiter etc.


Xfer OTT


There is no "Secret Sauce" comp (or EQ or whatever). there is just a "sauce" one "cooks" (inserting all sorts of plugs to process the signal)

ALL the aforementioned comps are great (namely MJUC, DC8C3, PSP FETpressor, Silika, Uhbik-C, DMG TrackComp, Xfer OTT - among many MANY others like Waves, Slate and the likes).... but the one that CHANGED the game - literally - as far as compression goes (at least clean, reliable and robust compression) - its FirComp FREE.

it does EXACTLY what it says on the tin (AND THEN SOME), and it does so gloriously. you can then further mangle the compression, should you wish, with one of the never-ending list of comps around (or distortion or whatever you should wish for coloring your signal). I do own FirComp2 but as a run-and-gun, set-and-forget comp, this is as far as you can go (for the time being). FirComp2 is great, make no mistake, but as it forces one into twiddling - it kinda losing its explosive, immediate charm (at least IMO). but it (Fc2) does offer you way more expandability (Even cleaner than Fircomp1, Mid / side processing mode, stereo options with stereo link and balance, Perceived loudness metering with easy makeup gain and balance snapping - among many other options).


EdSfer wrote: Sun Sep 26, 2021 1:03 pm An all-purpose would be smart:comp when I have no idea if I really need compression, or when I'm not sure about the settings, just to see what it does by itself. When I like it, I try to copy settings in another compressor (because 40ms of latency is a no-go at the production stage).

If I had to keep only one to cover all my needs it would probably be Presswerk. Sounds great and is so deep that it can do everything. DC8C3 as an alternative.

But the real secret sauce is still Supercharger GT on the drumbus.
got to try the supercharger! I usually do my paralell compression return channel with it. its amazing for that!


Michey wrote: Sun Sep 26, 2021 5:43 pm Uhbik-C
the inflation on uhbik-c is something tho, i don't think i have any other compressor with that


Vladg Molot - kind of swiss knife if you ask me. Works as standard predictable compressor in normal mode but you can switch it to the second mode and make transients explode. I know there was successor released ( TDR Molotok ) but I'm not a fan of new interface.


My GoTo comp for most stuff is (and has been for years) the IK White 2a - that things just works for me.


U-He Presswerk, easy. It does everything, wonderfully.


Last edited by codec_spurt on Tue Oct 12, 2021 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.


I've always like the multi-band compressor in Izotope Trash. Also liking comprexxor that I got in the IK group buy.


Most tracks: SSL BusComp v2

Some tracks: AR-1 or Molot GE or Twin-L or Novatron or etc. as needed for the track

Mixbus: Kotelnikov GE

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