Simple sequencing midi clips (preferably on timeline)

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There's a lot of really cool stuff in Architect, but I'm struggling with what seems to be a simple use case: sequencing midi clips.

I have imported a midi file to the pool. I can load it in a midi player, and start and stop it by sending it true/false data events.

At a basic level, I'm trying to do stuff that you would typically do with a midi clip in a DAW timeline: place it at a certain time, trim the start and end to play only a certain part of it, etc.

I've tried hooking up a couple different sequencers to the play inlet. I can get into the different things I've tried so far, but I'll just cut to the question: is there a straightforward way to arrange midi clips on the timeline in Architect, or is that not really the point of it?

edit: I guess if there were a way to convert a midi pool item to one of the other sequencers then at least I'd be able to sequence the patterns on the timeline. I'm not sure if that's possible though.


At the moment, there isn't a simple way of doing what you ask. The goal is that at some point I'll open up direct editing of files in the MIDI pool and allow them to be dragged directly into the arranger, which I believe will cover exactly what you need.

As currently available, I guess I'd use an [aux sequencer] to trigger difference MIDI pool files, and create patterns in this sequencer that correspond to MIDI pool items. You could then use an array of MIDI pool file names and send the correct one to the [MIDI player]. I've probably made it sound more complex than it actually is: if you want, I can post here a quick example of this working.
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

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