Evaluating SAMP in Logic Pro X on Silicon M1 MacBook Pro -- security issues

Official support for: hornetplugins.com
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Logic threw a (the usual) error message about "Unknown" vendor. I opened Security & Privacy widget in System Preferences and overrode the message.
And yet the plugin while visible in Logic Plugin Manager says "could not load."
There are similar messages in Reaper but the AU version *will* load. However, the VST versions are not visible when the Reaper FX plugin chooser window is opened.
I installed SAMP manually. I'm running Mac OS 12.6 on an M1 MacBook Pro. Everything is current otherwise as far as I know. Logic ran in both Rosetta and non-Rosetta modes.
Any suggestions? Thanks. ...edN


Hi this is because since Catalina Apple requires all software to be signed and validated and if you di then manual install you should rune the "run-me-before-install" command before copying the files.
In alternative we have provided the HoRNet DoIn installer that does this authorization for you. You can find it in your user area or in the receipt you have received when you purchased the plugin


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