HATEFISh RhyGenerator One 1.1.0 crashes Komplete Kontrol 2.8

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Installed KK 2.8 and ran a scan for the first time using the standalone app and the scanner process crashed with a Segmentation Fault. I could see in the report that HatefishRhyGeneratorOne.vst3 was the last plugin scanned. Moved it out of the way and problem was solved. This is on an M1 mac, and I had used xattr on the command line to release the plugin from quarantine. It loaded in various DAWs that way prior to this.

None of your other unverified plugins that I similarly unquarantined with xattr had problems. However, not sure why you're not using an Apple notarized dev signing cert for anything that has to be built for Apple Silicon at this point. Are all your plugins like that? I thought a few of them passed Gatekeeper.

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