- Auto sampling

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There was a sampler called Grace that was set free a few years ago, think it was by a company called One Small Clue, dont know if that would be any good
Beauty is only skin deep,
Ugliness, however, goes right the way through


Thanks bibz, it's just a standard sampler, not an Auto-Sampler. Looks neat though.


A basic semi-automatic sampling workflow can be achieved with MuLab, MuLab's built in Multisampla, and the free WIN/MAC apps "Session 2 WAV" and "Endless WAV":

My sampling requirements are modest and I'm happy with one-shot samples and a single velocity layer, but Björn Bojahr's excellent apps are capable of much more and clear instructions are available on his website: https://www.bjoernbojahr.de/sampling-workshop.html

The video below shows my sampling workflow in action:


Thanks. I've settled on Bliss2 personally, but I would much rather this functionality were an integral part of MuLab.
I'm not hopeful, but least there's a decent way to get it done.


I have an earlier version of Bliss but I prefer this workflow mainly because the end result is a new MuLab instrument. But I'm glad you found a solution that works for you.


Calum wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:45 pmThe video below shows my sampling workflow in action
Thanks for making such a clear video.
And good teamwork, apps!


If you have Logic or Mainstage, there's an autosampler built-in. Also, Maschine software. Same, as had been said, with Bliss and Renoise. However, Bliss is the only plugin that I know of and I don't really care for it a an actual sample player. Plus, it costs more than a new copy of Mulab, itself.

The easy part is actually creating the samples. You just send single MIDI notes to a track and record the output, pretty much the same as freezing a track. Storing, naming and generating the info for such (such as sf2, sfz, exs, etc) can be trickier, just due to the sheer number of files, where and how to store them, what to name them, etc.

While the new plugin formats (cLAP, VST3) obviate my need for such an animal, it does have its merits:
-ability to sample cranky old outboard gear that is becoming less than reliable;
-ability to sample cranky old plugins for the same reason;
-ability to sample CPU-consuming and RAM-consuming plugins that eat fast more resources than are necessary (Omnisphere, Diva, AAS PM plugins, etc.) allowing Mulab to run more smoothly on older machines.

Anyway, this is a positive feature for Mulab and would be a very nice addition for the multisample player.
I started on Logic 5 with a PowerBook G4 550Mhz. I now have a MacBook Air M1 and it's ~165x faster! So, why is my music not proportionally better? :(

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