Autumn Sale

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Hehehe, I recommend subscribing to our Newsletter then. Ever since European privacy laws took effect, we do not have a way to sign up people with "just one more click". Since then, after rebuilding the Newsletter from scratch, only about one out of five of our customers are subscribed to it. This used to be more like half of our user base. Attempts to make it more attractive have been good, albeit they are strenuous.

I guess we should advertise it more prominently so that fewer people miss out on such opportunities.

But since we send only somewhat between three and six newsletter a year, we don't really see it much ourselves, even though it's probably the one most efficient tool to notify our user base.


I started the checkout 3 minutes before 3pm CET, which meant, to decide if I should go with MFM2 or Filterscape. I took MFM2 with me and immediately the little devil on my shoulder said "you should also take Filterscape". And the angel on the opposite shoulder said "why not, one minute left". And what should I say, now I own both of them.
After this I refreshed the u-he website (cart was still filled) and it went to maintenance mode - I guess to remove the autumn sale announcement. I must have been lucky. :wink:

BTW, I was really surprised about the sale. Because there are always these questions from people about "When is u-he doing the next sale?". And the answer was in most cases "u-he doesn't do any sales, because of good reasons". Just wondering what changed the mind. :)


Short story super simplified:

All we want to do is Zebra 3. For ten years though, whenever we wanted to get serious about it, it turned out we either had to release another product quickly to keep afloat, or do some maintenance on existing stuff instead. So we decided to maybe do some sales to keep cash coming without having to release another thing. We'd still have to do maintenance ("technical debt"), but surely we'd be able to work on Z3.

So, ever since we did our first big sale in 2019 I think, we have not released a new software product, but we have managed to do serious work on Z3. And we've managed to keep some other promises, such as MFM, Filterscape updates and - in part - Uhbik, which is next on our major maintenance list (and was postponed when the two devs tasked with it left us during the pandemic).


Urs wrote: ↑Fri Dec 01, 2023 3:01 pm Short story super simplified:
absolutely understandable and comprehensible for me
Urs wrote: ↑Fri Dec 01, 2023 3:01 pm All we want to do is Zebra 3.
The devil and the angel on my shoulders should have convinced me to buy more. :lol:


Urs wrote: ↑Fri Dec 01, 2023 1:31 pm Hehehe, I recommend subscribing to our Newsletter then. ...

I guess we should advertise it more prominently so that fewer people miss out on such opportunities.

But since we send only somewhat between three and six newsletter a year, we don't really see it much ourselves, even though it's probably the one most efficient tool to notify our user base.
Even with the newsletter i managed to miss the sale-
i posted yesterday in a different thread:
"Unfortunately, i did not notice the "fine print"* on the email u-he sent out about the sale...Ends 30-11-23... AT 3PM CET.. i finally noticed this as i was looking for my debit card to order Bazille at 3PM MST..."

Hopefully you will need to do it once more to get Z3 out the door :)

* i know, it's in a large font, but as my eyes age everything is "fine print."
I am having a lot of fun with the demo, the manual, and the cookbook.
gadgets an gizmos..make noise Restocked: 3/24
old stuff
if this post is edited -it was for punctuation, grammar, or to make it coherent (or make me seem coherent).

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