Side-chaining in Zebrify?

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In doing a/b compression comparisons between zebrify and the Glue [Dynamics (Compressor / Limiter)] this question came up.

Regards, James


Nope, no external side chaining as of yet. The built-in compressor does not have any external side chain input anyway :oops:


Zebrify sidechain, feels like an itch that needs scratching eh Urs?

Though I must say that I am already happy with a $199 synth that sounds like a $2200 synth without the crackles and pops =)


This came up near the top of my Google results. It would be fabulous to feed the envelope follower and other modulators with side chain audiofor many bizarre effects and more simple ones. I currently have to use melda mxxx for these types of FX. Any progress on adding a side chain? I'm les concerned with feeding the compressor.
Don't F**K with Mr. Zero.


Unfortunately this won't happen for the existing Zebrify anymore, and we do not know if there will be a "Zebrify 3" yet (if, then certainly *after* we release Zebra 3). It's possible that Zebra 3 will get an audio input and then a corresponding FX version would be somewhat obsolete.

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