One Synth Challenge #180: Regency by nakst (ELEX Wins!)

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I must say that I recommend something very opposite than Peter:H.
He is talking from his perspective as a experienced user who knows what he does bad in the past (I think) and compare it to the current status.
Well, first of all - I recommend to basically not listen to any advices, good advices or even best advices other than "man, just try to do something". It may be not so good at the beginning, then it will be better etc. But the most important is to not be holded by lack of knowledge. Let's assume (in theory) that our friend here has lack of experience and is at the beginning of his road to be MusicMaster. So all that advices like "look at Youtube", "improve your mix", "try to mix sub and drums", even if may look useful, they can only discourage.
There is no way that anyone can skip some part of learning and jump into 3 levels up. Without personal experience you can of course copy everything people say on YouTube tutorials, but that would be just copying. You'll learn nothing from that type of help. Sure - you will be able made the same as YouTube guy, but only "the same" (100% copy), not something yours. And if you start to learning how to made music by copying other musicians, you'll end producing lot of secondary crap. It can even sounds nice, but it will be just a copy. It's not a wasching machine where you can learn that "you must set program A on 40 C and put 50g of detergent, then press START".

IMO - start with anything you want. It may even be few simplest notes or some crappy drums with one note bass. Whatever makes you happy at this point. Creating is learning. Do not expect that you'll made great song after few weeks. Or even months. Just made something and try to made every song a little better. And instead of tutorials "how to mix ...", try to listen some nice music (and then DO NOT try to copy it, just learn how others made their bass, leads etc. and try at least few new tricks - for example create similar drums beat or the same glide on solo).

And don't worry "how it sounds". Not at the beginning.


] Peter:H [ wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:02 pm ... it might be different than for some weird jazz stuff.
Not all jazz is weird :D :borg:


doctorbob wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 5:12 pm
] Peter:H [ wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:02 pm ... it might be different than for some weird jazz stuff.
Not all jazz is weird :D :borg:
Definitely ... I love relaxed lounge jazz ... I just wanted to find an example which is the most opposite thing to techno ... to make this "depends on context thing clear" ;-)


And I might add to those wise advices don't ever give up if someone gives you a 1 without giving any comments 😁


ElVincente wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:12 pm And I might add to those wise advices don't ever give up if someone gives you a 1 without giving any comments 😁


ElVincente wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:12 pm And I might add to those wise advices don't ever give up if someone gives you a 1 without giving any comments 😁
Ok, on OSC179 I give a lot of "1", probably the most of all. I have few reasons for that.
I treat OSC like good competition for adults with skills, not like children tournament. So I assumed that each participant has certain skills and does not do bad songs. But if I want to give points for skills - I should give everyone at least 3 points or more, never 2 or 1. And I could probably count on someone gratitude in the next edition then (is that how it works?).
But I tried to focus on only few interesting pieces and highlight them above other works, because otherwise, both - a song that I like a lot and one that I like a lot less would get the same number of points.
The whole voting system where everyone can see how other people vote, encourages to give better ratings so as not to offend someone. I don't wanted to offend anyone and "1" was not because song was bad, but because I think even "2" points should mean better than average.

No problem - this time I made song using one preset (not too much work in sound crafting), so feel free to give me "1" point. Even without comment. :)

Would be better if points have description above like: 1 - average or below, 2 - better than average, 3 - nice, 4 - cool, 5 - I really like it more than others.


PeterBPL wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:39 pm Ok, on OSC179 I give a lot of "1", probably the most of all. I have few reasons for that.
I treat OSC like good competition for adults with skills, not like children tournament. So I assumed that each participant has certain skills and does not do bad songs. But if I want to give points for skills - I should give everyone at least 3 points or more, never 2 or 1. And I could probably count on someone gratitude in the next edition then (is that how it works?).
But I tried to focus on only few interesting pieces and highlight them above other works, because otherwise, both - a song that I like a lot and one that I like a lot less would get the same number of points.
The whole voting system where everyone can see how other people vote, encourages to give better ratings so as not to offend someone. I don't wanted to offend anyone and "1" was not because song was bad, but because I think even "2" points should mean better than average.

No problem - this time I made song using one preset (not too much work in sound crafting), so feel free to give me "1" point. Even without comment. :)

Would be better if points have description above like: 1 - average or below, 2 - better than average, 3 - nice, 4 - cool, 5 - I really like it more than others.
This system may encourage a higher score but can you imagine if it was private? People could purposely give low scores to good tracks (and perhaps higher scores to "bad" tracks) to help their own track out.

Ultimately by giving lots of 1's, you're giving more weight to your high scores than everyone elses. It's like your one vote is the equivalent of 2 (or 3) other people voting. Should your vote matter more than other peoples' vote? Ultimately you can do whatever. I'm hoping it won't be held against you that you voted hard last month. Most months I don't even look at the data personally.


] Peter:H [ wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:02 pm ... I just wanted to find an example which is the most opposite thing to techno
I knew that ... just joking with you ... some of the contemporary jazz with prepared pianos and bubblewrap as percussion is a bit weird though :D


My personal voting is based on composition, sound design, mixing, mastering, subjective preference. A high vote scores highly in all those categories. I do my best to "understand" the more modern genres (ie modern to someone who is 74!). I started my early appreciation of music way back in the 1950's and seen a lot of change! Had my first tape recorder in 1959!



PeterBPL wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:39 pm
ElVincente wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:12 pm And I might add to those wise advices don't ever give up if someone gives you a 1 without giving any comments 😁
Ok, on OSC179 I give a lot of "1", probably the most of all. I have few reasons for that.
I treat OSC like good competition for adults with skills, not like children tournament. So I assumed that each participant has certain skills and does not do bad songs. But if I want to give points for skills - I should give everyone at least 3 points or more, never 2 or 1. And I could probably count on someone gratitude in the next edition then (is that how it works?).
But I tried to focus on only few interesting pieces and highlight them above other works, because otherwise, both - a song that I like a lot and one that I like a lot less would get the same number of points.
The whole voting system where everyone can see how other people vote, encourages to give better ratings so as not to offend someone. I don't wanted to offend anyone and "1" was not because song was bad, but because I think even "2" points should mean better than average.

No problem - this time I made song using one preset (not too much work in sound crafting), so feel free to give me "1" point. Even without comment. :)

Would be better if points have description above like: 1 - average or below, 2 - better than average, 3 - nice, 4 - cool, 5 - I really like it more than others.
You're free to vote however you like of course, everyone does, and when there are 30-60 entrants it has little-to-no effect on the overall score. But I do think that someone new to OSC with limited experience or abilities (or a lack of confidence, adults suffer from that too, right?) - they might get a bit disheartened to receive 1pt without any feedback - This friendly competition does aim to encourage folks to improve over time, we want people to participate - the 'spririt of OSC', if you will.

Setting 'average' at 1pt leaves no room below for anything less than average. Where does bad, terrible, or migraine-inducing go? 1pt average consigns a huge range of 'quality' to the same bucket and leaves a bunch of people thinking, 'Well, what did he actually think of it? Did he even listen to it? Why did it score the same as this obvously terrible-ear-splitting-hellscape that also got 1pt?'. It also gives the ear-splitting-hellscapers the idea that perhaps they are better than they really are, something to be avoided at all costs... Personally, I think that is the main reason why some folks have a beef with your scoring method.

I have a bell curve around 3 (usually), which is what you might expect given a bunch of random songs to score. But to be honest, that's me just rolling a virtual dice without actually listening to anything </joke>. I also try to comment, if I have something to say, and when I'm not auto-anti-spam-banned from SC... :x

Anyways... as long as you don't turn out to be the same people that you scored high, I don't think there will be much, if any retaliation in the voting. At the end of the day, people vote not only on the technical aspects but I suspect also on songs that float their particular boat.

So yeah, whatever goes when it comes to voting... but expect some (friendly) flack in the forum. :wink:
Last edited by neverbeeninariot on Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.


doctorbob wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:54 pm some of the contemporary jazz with prepared pianos and bubblewrap as percussion is a bit weird though :D
In my experience, that is some of the best jazz :wink:


I can change voting style and made votes around "3", but I doubt that I will made so many comments. I could try though. But still - just give me "1" if you want, I am not a child, I can live with that if you don't like my song. I even prefer if someone gives me "1" without explanation than when someone starts to review what is wrong - maybe because I myself trying never say people anything bad about their songs. Music should be fun and I think the most important is to encourage people to made more music, not forcing them to made better music (this will happen sooner or later).
There was no bad tracks in OSC179, but also I do not found so many better than average. I can be more understanding for beginners (if I hear that someone is a beginner) and give more points as a bonus, but not when I hear that someone is really good and made just average song.


My entry "I Am Kenough" :) ... al_sharing

13 Instance of Regency - All from scratch (except kick & hat)
DAW: Reaper
Dead Duck: Filter, Compressor, Delay, Autopan
OrilRiver Reverb
JS Channel Time Delay.
ReaEQ, ReaXComp
KHS Gain
Limiter No6
SPAN, YouLean Loudness Meter
Captain Silverpants


@silverpants (my first try to write something more about song if you don't mind - I'll try here on the forum first).
What I like? Beginning which sounds "strange", but when bass starts it makes very nice contrast. I like sound that starts about 2:16. I like that distorted break at 3:30. Themes are ok, but not in plus or in minus. Just interesting, but a little plain (no wrong notes, but too much "safe" notes, some themes could be more complex). What I don't like? That long glide that sounds a little out of tune - which may be good, but imo it glides too long (probably would sound better if that was rock guitar song). And I don't like tempo here - I really would like to hear this song in higher speed (even 50% higher - do me a favor and make a private version with accelerated BPM). :)

Is that type of description ok? I do not like to offend anyone and I really hate all kind of criticism. Everyone does what they like, and interjecting "what would I do" is inappropriate and I feel bad about it.

My old note would be probably "2" (higher than average). Now it will be "3" or "4" - all depends on other tracks (especially ones that are not made yet).
Last edited by PeterBPL on Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.


PeterBPL wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:40 pm Music should be fun and I think the most important is to encourage people to made more music,
not forcing them to made better music (this will happen sooner or later).
How do you force someone to make better music?

What is better music?

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