Waveform Version 13.03.2 Bug ???

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why would a deleted plugin (wrapped in a rack) still appear in the CPU Performance View ?

OS: Windows 10
Memory: 32g Ram
Processor AMD PRO A10-8750B R7, 12 Compute Cores 4C+8G 3.60 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB (30.9 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor



Did you actually delete the rack, or just the instance from the mixer?

Deleting the last instance of the rack from the mixer (at least for me) prompts to whether you want to delete the rack itself or leave it in the project so you can add it back later.

If you leave it in the project it is still there even though you may not see it in any of the mixer tracks.

Hit the "+" button to add a new plugin and look under the "Plugin Racks" folder to see if it is still listed there - if it is, select it to add a new instance to the mixer, then try deleting it again to see if you get the option to delete the rack itself.

If not, you may still have another instance of it somewhere else.


8) That was it..thanks, I learned something new today
Processor AMD PRO A10-8750B R7, 12 Compute Cores 4C+8G 3.60 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB (30.9 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor



I think I've got one.


1) Hardware keyboard into audio interface.
2) Waveform 13 track input set to that keyboard
3) Insert plugin at end of this track
Sends to that keyboard
Returns to audio interface

This worked up until v13. Basically allows me to record MIDI on that track, and hear it live from the keyboard through the interface.

Problem: MIDI is playing back staccato.

1) Reboot keyboard, computer, audio interface. Still plays staccato.
2) Swapped Insert plugin with synth plugin--plugin plays fine. So the MIDI content is totally fine.
3) Changed patch on keyboard in case there was an issue with the patch I never encountered before. Happens to all patches. Staccato.
4) Reset audio inputs and outputs in Waveform just to make sure as I had many issues with v12's audio quality; resetting usually cleared it up for several minutes. Result: no change, still plays staccato.
5) Generate MIDI content in a new clip by clicking in new notes, in case something was amiss with recording. Even new notes, of any length, play staccato over hardware synth.

So the keyboard can produce MIDI content just fine--and Waveform records it. Sending that MIDI to the hardware produces staccato sounds on the keyboard.

It sounds *as if* Waveform is truncating the MIDI note length values to super-short values. Not sure how to fix this one except to not use the sounds on the keyboard--which ain't gonna work for me. Not sure if anything has changed with the Insert plugin--looks like not.

Win 11, latest update for v13 installed.
Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and even Deezer, whatever the hell Deezer is.

More fun at Twitter @watchfulactual


Still no joy.

I tried following my own advice and assumed maybe it was just project weirdness. Some more things I tried:

1. Create a new project and try again fresh: still produces staccato on playback.
2. Launched v11 and used the Insert plugin: v11 works perfectly, as expected.
3. Tried to copy v13 into v11, but evidently I can't have two versions of Waveform running at once. Trying to launch v13 while v11 is open produces a buzzing sound over the speakers and v11 hangs.

So it seems that Waveform 13's MIDI playback to hardware is not compatible with its Insert plugin, which is pretty bad for those of us using hardware with Waveform. Can this be looked at ASAP?

As a reminder, playing the hardware directly into Waveform works. Recording MIDI works. Playing recorded MIDI *back* through the hardware truncates the lengths of the notes to little blips, producing the staccato.
Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and even Deezer, whatever the hell Deezer is.

More fun at Twitter @watchfulactual


Have you reported the issue to support? The two bug reports I submitted were fixed very quickly.
None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


No, just griping here. FigBug has been attacking some bugs the same day. If I don't see any further discussion here about it, I sure will have to submit.
Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and even Deezer, whatever the hell Deezer is.

More fun at Twitter @watchfulactual


If it wouldn't be some configuration or app handling issue, where experience and ideas of the other users can help, then I recommend to always report it to the support team by their form on their website.
(Waveform PRO 13, Linux)


FigBug fixed my MIDI issue--I'm back up and working as before. Not sure this fix is a public release yet, but wanted to report he took care of it very promptly.

I am most pleased.
Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and even Deezer, whatever the hell Deezer is.

More fun at Twitter @watchfulactual

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