Thoughts on Ilok?

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion
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Bombadil wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 10:27 pm iLock is offline, here. Completely buggered my main Logic templates due to EW OPUS. Had to force quit everytime I tried to choose a non-Logic plugin.
They have a notice up on their page. I'm pissed off.
As a hobbyist I'm not pissed off, it's just frustrating. It's odd though that I can't even use plugins with licenses on my physical iLok due to their services being offline, it just hangs.
A bit fried in the higher freqs


Rip this last hour of my life I should of checked here first. First time I've needed ilok and the servers have been down, seems 7 hours now. At least I know where to look in the future, i reinstalled ilok and stuff so hopefully that works fine after. Free stress.


Maybe this will be the death blow for iLok Cloud.


Actually never mind lol


Teksonik wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 9:10 pm "Ooooh but iLok isn't challenge response"........ :roll:

iLok 052824-3.png

iLok 052824-4.png

GFY iLok and any developer who uses it.....
It says that Europe is fine. It isn't. Now their web page is inaccessable.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.


Working now. So much for reliability.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.


Wasn‘t a problem for me because I have the effing dongle :ud:
MacMini M2 Pro . 32GB . 2TB . . Bitwig Studio 5.2…+…Push 2 driven by Moss……Softube.. everything


Not a problem for me because I refuse to use that effing shiite. :hihi:
Or, for that matter, support ANY developer that uses invasive copy
protection that punishes legit users. There's no need. There are
plenty that don't.
the secrets to old age: Faster horses, Richer Women, Bigger CPU's


sQeetz wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 6:41 am Wasn‘t a problem for me because I have the effing dongle :ud:
I still had problems with EastWest libraries authorized on the iLok dongle :borg:
For a couple hours, trying to load up those libraries would systematically freeze the entire DAW.


I heave learnt to live with iLok. But it would be nice to not have to deal with it.


Yeah, looks like East West's Opus failed for permanent license owners, and obviously it shouldn't. AFAIK no other developers permanent licenses were affected. Of course the Cloud / subs were.

This is nothing - there have been relatively short glitches before. But there was one over a decade ago that was far more serious - servers were down for several weeks. Some post houses nearly went out of business.

It's the one big flaw of ZDT / TLC. If your protection runs out during an outage, even your permanent licenses will be unavailable.
W11, Ryzen 7900, 64gb RAM, RME Babyface, 1050ti, PT 2024 Ultimate, Cubase Pro 13
Macbook Air M2 OSX 10.15


It failed for those of us on Composer Cloud, as well. Took me a few minutes of banging my head on the table to figure it out. OPUS. I could grt VSL and my Soundtoys plugins working. OPUS screwed everything up in any template it was instantiated.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.


My doubt comes from the fact that I could load "empty" OPUS instances without any issue; the freezing only happened when trying to load libraries.
I should have tried with PLAY as well to see if the issue was specific to the libraries rather than OPUS.

Anyway, seems solved now :party:


Several years with the ilok usb dongle. Zero issues.

Also zero EastWest whatevers.

Not a fan, but also don’t care that much. Better without, but happily buy plugins I want/need and don’t care what copy “protection” they have.


sQeetz wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 9:40 pm That's not true at all...
unless you forget to deregister your stuff from the old machine, which is hardly ilok's fault (again...)
Oh and how to reregister if I reinstalled Windows on the same machine?

Preventing users from moving licenses is an iLok deliberate policy, they do it on purpose. They are willingly being a pain in the arse. That is their fault.

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