Logic Pro X v10.2.3 is out

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Logic Pro


dayjob wrote: the macpro trashcan is still way too expensive even used.
I thought they were going for ashtray, not trashcan...Jony Ive's losing his touch if people can't even agree on the right rubbish receptacle! :lol:

Some basic Logic Pro X questions...I've done a fair amount of Googling, manual reading and searching logicprohelp.com but haven't found definitive answers.

Anyone familiar with Ableton Live should know exactly the behavior I mean for the first 4 questions.

- Is there a way to set MMC sync for control surfaces globally, rather than as a Project setting (I know project can be saved as Template, and Project settings imported, but...)
- Can "R" record button made "sticky" or cumulative (remains engaged after clicking another track) - or set to be exclusive/non-exclusive (like Solo button)?
- Any way for open plugin windows to always follow selected track and/or buss? Link icon seems to kind of do that for tracks but not for linked busses.
- Is there a simple way to always record stereo master audio output (like Ableton Audio track Resampling input)? I know busses can be used, but then you need to keep adding busses manually for each new channel/track. Creating a Track for Output 1-2 or Master channel doesn't seem to create a recordable audio track. Maybe in the Environment?
- Locking screensets doesn't actually lock them - if you save screenset 2 with no plugin windows visible, open windows in screenset 3, and go back to 2 the windows are open. Is true locking possible?



Winstontaneous wrote:
dayjob wrote: the macpro trashcan is still way too expensive even used.
I thought they were going for ashtray, not trashcan...Jony Ive's losing his touch if people can't even agree on the right rubbish receptacle! :lol:



stardustmedia wrote:
Dewdman42 wrote:10.9 is only a couple of years old and by far represents the most stable version of OSX at the moment. Both Yosemite and El Capitan have had significant issues.
At the moment I have 10.9.5 and 10.11.4 running Logic 10.2.2. And Mavericks was definitely less stable than El Cap. El Cap is faster and snappier. And I encountered less crashes, almost none by now.
How is it with other apps? Sine El Cap Safari has been unbearable here, slow... typing even in the URL field lags...did some more tweaking today. Beach balls galore, but not with Yosemite. Was yours a fresh install? Thx.




Winstontaneous wrote:- Is there a way to set MMC sync for control surfaces globally, rather than as a Project setting (I know project can be saved as Template, and Project settings imported, but...)
- Can "R" record button made "sticky" or cumulative (remains engaged after clicking another track) - or set to be exclusive/non-exclusive (like Solo button)?
- Any way for open plugin windows to always follow selected track and/or buss? Link icon seems to kind of do that for tracks but not for linked busses.
- Is there a simple way to always record stereo master audio output (like Ableton Audio track Resampling input)? I know busses can be used, but then you need to keep adding busses manually for each new channel/track. Creating a Track for Output 1-2 or Master channel doesn't seem to create a recordable audio track. Maybe in the Environment?
- Locking screensets doesn't actually lock them - if you save screenset 2 with no plugin windows visible, open windows in screenset 3, and go back to 2 the windows are open. Is true locking possible?

Been a while but soemone else can correct me
- No
- R is sticky but behaves a bit differently between instrument and audio track
- Only if you right click->create track for the aux channel. If they aren't a track on arrange view, it won't work properly
- Simple way: nope, bounce your way out. You'll need bus everything before output to feed stuff for AU instrument effects or what not
- Locking works fine, but it always have been finicky setting them. shortcut V is your friend if plugin window become a random mess


Thanks softska, very helpful!


dayjob wrote:
Winstontaneous wrote:
dayjob wrote: the macpro trashcan is still way too expensive even used.
I thought they were going for ashtray, not trashcan...Jony Ive's losing his touch if people can't even agree on the right rubbish receptacle! :lol:

"think different" ...might it mean in some cases "f**k different" !?



tooneba wrote:Image
WTH. :lol:


yet another 10.2.3 "feature" that I cannot explain... when I save project (as folder, old habit...) later i can see in the RECENT file menu and recent open project menu sort of two files of the same name... one, that actually opens up the project and another one that does not open anything, though of the same name and extension as the first one - when I try to open it the system says that there is no such file.

any idea what that is and how to get rid of it?
logic_open recent.jpg
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adn_01 wrote:yet another 10.2.3 "feature" that I cannot explain... when I save project (as folder, old habit...) later i can see in the RECENT file menu and recent open project menu sort of two files of the same name... one, that actually opens up the project and another one that does not open anything, though of the same name and extension as the first one - when I try to open it the system says that there is no such file.

any idea what that is and how to get rid of it?
logic_open recent.jpg

no idea, me too.

Even worse if you use the file menu cause there's recent projects all with a weird icon and blank name after each one. Sorry couldn't help

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