Sub Tracks

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judging from the comments I'd say DiGiT is young free and single with little or no responsibilty and money to burn! See how easy it is to judge incorrectly! I'm not religious but as the fabled Jesus said - let those without sin cast the first stone. Perhaps we all can be judgemental at times, but, really, is there any need for it! why criticise someone you don't know? You only make yourself look the fool! We all just wanna make music so lets not argue over who can afford what were not at school anymore! Or perhaps some of us are?!


you guys are whiners. mulab has a very modest price point in my opinion. nothing peoples should be complaining about! you would rather say its a pity that there are limits and cite your poor economic situation than pony up and pay to play. the privilage of using unlimited tracks costs money period. it aint my fault LOL so stop trying to get fresh in your retort as if you were some sort of justified sophisticate talking to a child. give me a break. what did the OP expect jo to say? 'ok for you mulab ul is free. here ya go' or 'golly maybe i should lower the price so the poor stop complaining even if it means i get nothing out of the deal' cmon yalls this is obvious. it hurts to hear what needs to be said sometimes. deal with it. btw if its a non-essential then why whine about it or defend that position? you dont need it, apparently.

as far as who and what i am youre both wrong, and thats all i will say to that :hihi:


> DiGiT < wrote:mulab has a very modest price point in my opinion. nothing peoples should be complaining about! you would rather say its a pity that there are limits and cite your poor economic situation than pony up and pay to play.
Can you quote where someone here said they thought MuLab was too expensive?
> DiGiT < wrote:what did the OP expect jo to say? 'ok for you mulab ul is free. here ya go' or 'golly maybe i should lower the price so the poor stop complaining even if it means i get nothing out of the deal' cmon yalls this is obvious. it hurts to hear what needs to be said sometimes.
Where did the OP say or even imply that? He explained his financial situation, said he thought the subtrack limit was a bummer (but given that they are fully functional tracks, I don't understand that) and off you go again.

I won't assume anything about you or your situation, but what you've done here is spout off about a load of things that people never said. I think you should respond to what people actually say than all the (consistently negative) things you project onto them.

@Jo: Nah, with MIDI you get the option to merge the parts which is cool. I like and use that feature a lot. With audio however, I quickly get tracks stacking up, unless I'm constantly dragging new parts onto the one lane - which builds up to too much time spent on a non-musical activity IMO.

Unless this has changed in M4. I've mainly been playing around with the new stuff like MuDrum and all the modular features so far.


no im not gonna regurgitate whats been said and pick it apart line by line like a forensic scientist and make a report for you to scrutinize. please if its not your discussion, then dont jump in with your own concerns, definitions, comparisons, prejudices, financial situations, or ass-u-me tions! dood needs to stop whining about the limit and buy the UL version! the rest of you skint out there should follow suit rather than act all butt hurt that i stopped him from complaining with the facts.

just because the economically challenged geriatric posse is attempting to tackle me all at once doesnt mean they even have a point!


btw DiGiT, as I said you look the fool, I never complained about MuLab price and I bought a full licence in Feb on release of M4. So shut your abuse of people who actually have problems in life that your little closed mind obviously can't comprehend! You're nothing but abusive and offensive attitude isn't wanted or needed. Things like that shouldn't be put on a forum. You don't know or understand others problem and you've jumped straight in abusing them. Please, tell us all what gives you the right to judge so harshly?


hey if you wanna jump in and be all offended i could care less. thats your problem not mine. when i see someone complain about something silly i call them out. if you hear the whispering then you need to buy the next level of product, pretty simple. not my problem if you cant afford it. and i know the OP didnt say it was too expensive, but the issue of price difference was thrown in there by an objector lol so if you people wanna swarm then ill lump you all together. you have obviously cast your lot with the rest of the poor geriatric crew
Last edited by > DiGiT < on Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Who do you refer to? I never asked for a legacy version. Why the attitude just chill out :-) There's really no need for any of what you say. Yes you may be right about certain things but have some compassion about how you say them.

I thought you were a better person than that after giving that link for Muzys v3.14 around 6 years ago. Shows how wrong you can be about people eh?!


whos being judgemental now?

you say im a baaaaad person now hmm? you dont even know.


robenestobenz wrote:As a related point, I would actually like an overlap (or punch in / out) recording mode. It'd be a big time saver for me. I prefer to have related stuff on one track most of the time, and I'm just too crap a musician to do the one long take thing- so I quickly end up with 5 tracks for whichever instrument it is that I'm currently pretending to be able to play.
I would prefer something like that too. One thing that I loved about EnergyXT was that I could record some bars in "loop" mode, where the recorded notes where automatically played, so I could keep playing over my recorded notes instantly in the same recording session.
No band limits, aliasing is the noise of freedom!


Sorry to interrupt but the reason this duel is going on is mostly because we usually forget that we live a life based on personal choices and either we pay for it or reap the rewards. I've been there as well, so never forget not to complain or sing your glory.
Just do your best and some.
MuLab of course :D


no not at all. I'm just saying it APPEARS that way. I'm not shouting at you by using capitals its just for emphasis before you judge me on that. If you look back at this post you'll see its not me people are attacking is it! Can't you see that? its easy on forum to percieve comments as an attack but I'm not attacking you just pointing out your behaviour isn't fair.

I agree that people shouldn't complain about the limitations and should buy the software. It took me around 4-5 years for the opportunity to arise for me to afford to buy MuLab! I never complained about I just waited and knew I'd get it one day and I did.

My problem, although maybe that's not the right word, is the way you did it. If someone's overweight and complain you don't treat them like shit, you explain the error of their ways if its someone you don't know well. If they refuse to listen then tell them stop complaining. But to be rude from the offset is bad manners by anyone's idea of morality.

Perhaps he was just expressing his disappointment and not begging? Do you think that's possible? isn't it possible you may have misjudged? That's all I'm saying but now your attacking me saying you're just telling the truth tough if we don't like it! But isn't that how you're reacting to my truthful comments?

I don't wanna argue with you. I apologise for comments you don't like I'll say no more. be cool and play nice eh ;-)


wow youre so politically correct


Thanks liquidsound trouble is with text based forms of communications is that its easy to reply its easy to misjudged its easy to abuse as theirs no comeback. I admit there's been times I've posted or text wrongly we've all probably done it I'm not saying I'm better than anyone but I do see these behavioural errors and don't think its right or necessary. I have learnt from my errors in this respect but sometimes get it wrong as we all do. But we should always try to better ourselves or were no better than animals.


my you really are an angry person. sorry digit and I mean it that's not sarcasm. I make mistakes as we all do and if you wanna keep up the abuse that's up to you. You're obviously a better person than the rest of us so I won't bother you with my inferiority any more...


seriously? have it your way bro

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