W11 how do i open the mixer as a TAB?

Discussion about: tracktion.com


Ok, I am now available for slapping. I have unknowingly still been using W10! Yes I can hear you. I had assumed that the upgrade to 11 had removed W10. I was so lost in still learning Waveform I hadn't even had the chance to notice the new features where missing until now.

Sorry for wasting anyone's time!


That's funny. I almost commented that you might not have actually upgraded... :P
Waveform 12; Win10 desktop/8 Gig; Win8 Laptop 4Gig; MPK261; VFX+disfunctional ESQ-1


I'm a doofus! V11 working beautifully though and those UI and layout improvements are great.


This is not the worst way to solve a music technology problem! Glad you're enjoying v11.
Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and even Deezer, whatever the hell Deezer is.

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