Shreddage 2 Engine V3.21 - Updates for S2, IBZ, SRP - Available Now! (August 3, 2016 IBZ Bug fix)

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I'm also missing the portamento samples, and my license doesn't even appear on the website. Hmm…
Brian Garrison
Tracks In The Box
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I deleted all beta updates and installed the new ones released today, and I'm not certain if I ever tested these things before upgrading to the newest versions. I checked all settings I could think of, but I don't think I'm doing anything wrong here. My next step would be to re-install the original instruments, experiment, then install the updates and experiment again, unless somebody can think of something else I've done wrong.

1. IBZ - I can't get Harmonics, Tremolo or Staccato Power Chords. I tried velocity ranges, CC's and keyswitches, and I could not get anything to trigger any samples from those 3 articulations. I tried with both the Shreddage 2 IBZ (v1_20).nki and the Shreddage 2 IBZ 24bit (V1_20).nki.

Side note: with the original Shreddage 2 IBZ.nki, and also with Shreddage Classic, velocity mapping was always 1 velocity value off. If I have a certain articulation mapped from 80 to 99, the velocity value of 100 will trigger that sample, rather than the one I have mapped from 100-120. No big deal, but if I want to map Tremolo to only velocity value 101, it won't work. A 101 note will play whatever's mapped to 100.

The new Shreddage 2 (3_17) does not seem to have either of these issues. I have Tremolo, Harmonics and Pinch each mapped to exactly one velocity value, and it all works perfectly.

Back to playing....


... I am kind of confused, I am relatively new Shreddage user since 2-3 months. Now after the update today I have under instruments in my Kontakt 5 Player:
Shredagge 2 (V3_17).nki
Shreddage 2 Low CPU (V3_17).nki
Shreddage II FX v2.nki
Shreddage II v2j(Legacy).nki
Shredagge IIX.nki

So why did the naming change and what does IIX, II v2J(Legacy) and why now "2" stand for ???


This update is the best! I have S2 and Bass 2 but not IBZ, so the dichotomy between Bass 2 and S2 was a bit maddening, but now I've got consistency! :P
Just taking it for a spin, everything seems more comfortable (keyswitch locations, hiding the power chords so I don't have to mash transpose when I use a smaller controller, CC controls (omg yes), etc), just absolutely wonderful.

Thanks so much for the update!


tiger55 wrote:... I am kind of confused, I am relatively new Shreddage user since 2-3 months. Now after the update today I have under instruments in my Kontakt 5 Player:
Shredagge 2 (V3_17).nki
Shreddage 2 Low CPU (V3_17).nki
Shreddage II FX v2.nki
Shreddage II v2j(Legacy).nki
Shredagge IIX.nki

So why did the naming change and what does IIX, II v2J(Legacy) and why now "2" stand for ???
Shreddage II v2 (Legacy) is the original Shreddage 2 (first engine, latest iteration of that patch)
Shreddage IIX (2X) is the first GUI upgrade for Shreddage 2 (And Shreddage Classic)
And Shreddage 2 (V3_17) is 3rd engine update.

(The FX patch will only be useful if you're using S2 or S2X since the latest update actually integrates the FX directly in the VST as an articulation.)

The naming didn't change. it's still Shreddage 2 tho Instead of being roman numbers, it's numeric. (I, II, III, IV, V... vs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) It means the same thing. :)

I think that's it... but I could be wrong about it.
One way or another, you can't deny death.
Simply said...
We're dead but we just don't know it yet.


Hey sorry for the delay in response, I was traveling and only just got internet access now. If anyone is having specific portamento problems please let me know the exact interval and which string the origin note is on. I thought I tested that pretty thoroughly...

I changed the naming from "II" to "2" mainly for readability and search reasons. II looks cooler in art but it's not as practical as people are more likely to search for the numeral "2" than the roman numeral "II".

IBZ articulations not working: Are you sure they're enabled (loaded into memory)? Try disabling/re-enabling them? Are you getting silence, or is something else triggering instead?

Please email us if you don't see a purchase in your account. We can easily add your license. We added powerchord portamento samples way back so it may simply be easier for you to re-download the whole instrument.
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zircon wrote:IBZ articulations not working: Are you sure they're enabled (loaded into memory)? Try disabling/re-enabling them? Are you getting silence, or is something else triggering instead?
Thanks for responding. Believe me: in situations like this, I ALWAYS start with the theory that it's "Operator Error." And I found a workaround that's working so far, so I'm not unhappy. I think maybe the majority of the problem was caused by loading a preset that had been saved with a previous version. It seemed like I was experiencing conflict between my current mappings and previous mappings. I deleted my previously saved presets and re-mapped everything and it worked better, with one exception:

When I set the Minimum Velocity and Maximum Velocity for a particular articulation, those precise velocity values are not used precisely, other than 127. All other velocity values are off by 1 or 2 values. This was a problem, because I was trying to map certain articulations (the ones that don't use velocity layers) to a velocity range of 1 each. The workaround is to set the range to 2 and leave an unused value between. So if I set Tremolo to a range of 120-121, and Harmonics to 123-124, Tremolo will actually trigger on 121 and 122 (and will not trigger on 120) and Harmonics will trigger on 124 and 125 (not on 123).

*shrug* No big deal. Thanks again for your time. Loving playing with it.


I too had some strange problems with missing articulations, also I had loaded a preset from previous beta. The workaround was to disable the articulation and enable it again ('reload all samples' from Kontakt did not fix the issue, tried that first)


ImagineAZ wrote:
zircon wrote:IBZ articulations not working: Are you sure they're enabled (loaded into memory)? Try disabling/re-enabling them? Are you getting silence, or is something else triggering instead?
Thanks for responding. Believe me: in situations like this, I ALWAYS start with the theory that it's "Operator Error." And I found a workaround that's working so far, so I'm not unhappy. I think maybe the majority of the problem was caused by loading a preset that had been saved with a previous version. It seemed like I was experiencing conflict between my current mappings and previous mappings. I deleted my previously saved presets and re-mapped everything and it worked better, with one exception:

When I set the Minimum Velocity and Maximum Velocity for a particular articulation, those precise velocity values are not used precisely, other than 127. All other velocity values are off by 1 or 2 values. This was a problem, because I was trying to map certain articulations (the ones that don't use velocity layers) to a velocity range of 1 each. The workaround is to set the range to 2 and leave an unused value between. So if I set Tremolo to a range of 120-121, and Harmonics to 123-124, Tremolo will actually trigger on 121 and 122 (and will not trigger on 120) and Harmonics will trigger on 124 and 125 (not on 123).

*shrug* No big deal. Thanks again for your time. Loving playing with it.
Wait, are those velocity offsets still happening? Is the velocity curve knob set at 'noon' (no curve)?
Shreddage 3 Stratus: Next generation Kontakt Player guitar, now available!

Impact Soundworks - Cinematic sounds, world instruments, electric guitars, synths, percussion, plugins + more!


Yeah, the velocity curve knob is at noon. I never turn that knob. And yes, the offset is still happening. Do you ever draw MIDI notes into FL Studio at precise velocities to check? I use Reaper, and I suppose it's possible that Reaper looks at MIDI notes a notch different than FL.


Turning the Velocity Curve knob to +1% makes the offset better for me. I always had it at 0. +1% seems to cause MORE offset in the low velocities but LESS offset at highest velocities, which works in my favor. And setting IBZ to +1% seems to achieve the same curve as S 2 at 0.


After downloading and following the directions - When I open the program it is telling me that I have 1 missing file shreddage2_317.nkr. I downloaded it again and repeated the steps but still getting this message when loading the new Shreddage in Kontakt. Is this happening to anyone else?


That file is definitely included in the update. I have that file in my top Shreddage 2 directory. The shreddage2_317.nkr and shreddage2_317.nkc are there together.


Did you try a Kontakt Batch Resave, pointing to the directory where the v3.17 .nkr file is located, when Batch Resave indicates missing file(s)?


EDIT: Now I'm thinking maybe I need to Install the original Shreddage 2 first or does the download from my account include the whole thing not just the update ???

Hello there. Moving from windows to iMac and having problems with V3. I fear I'm doing something wrong in OS X rather than there being anything wrong with V3.

downloaded merged and updated and all is good on my windows laptop.
However I'm moving from laptop to iMac (windows desktop in study but Id rather work in family room).

Logged into my account and downloaded shreddage 2. It is V3. Never installed shreddage or any other music software on the iMac.

Extracted part 1. Placed folder in my documents and pointed Kontakt (configured) to it (registered thru service centre etc) in reaper. Go into piano roll and clicking on the keyboard at the left hand side all I get are notes with pitch squeal or vibrato or something. On my windows machine only notes G4 and above produce this and E5 down to G2 produce beautiful power chords or notes (have never worked out in my own head where notes v power chords are).

Am I doing something wrong on the MAC?


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