reverb buffer release?

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I purchased the reverb yesterday and already used it on a project with very nice results. I have one question though. When I use it in my host (SAWStudio) and stop the playback and then start again on another place, I notice that the tail of the previous sound is played first, in other words, stopping and starting playback doesn't release the buffer in the reverb.

Can you verify this behaviour?

best regards,

Pieter Stenekes
Sonoris Audio Engineering


Hi Pieter,

glad to welcome you as a new customer and to hear you're getting good results with the AAR!

Sorry for having any inconvinience with our plugin. Although any hosts we tested the AAR with did release the reverb buffers correctly when pressing start and stop, there might be some hosts causing such a problem, as not all hosts fully support the VST standard.

At the moment, we cannot say why this does not work as it should in SAWStudio. Do you have similar problems with other VST-Plugins in SAWStudio, too?

Anyhow, we will check this out as soon as possible and if there's something we can do in this matter, we will fix it in one of our next updates.

Stay tuned! :)
kind regards, timo


I have other reverbs that work fine in SAWStudio.

best regards,
Sonoris Audio Engineering


Hi Pieter,

good news - we found a little problem regarding the buffer release in SAWStudio and will fix this in the next update (comming soon!).

So, stay informed about our next releases! Sorry again for any trouble and thanks for reporting... :)
kind regards, timo


Thank you!

best regards,
Sonoris Audio Engineering

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