Hi All! Here is one from my wish list..

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I hope this can be achieved easily...
I want to develop a real time spreadsheet to process MIDI data..
It should allow the import of .MID files and 'Styles' from
the types of keyboards that have them - and using functions of the spreadsheet, alter the output of style data.

Functions would include;
Out port mapping. Which pattern is played by which instrument.
Channel change.
Mapping of continuous controller data - Ch1 CC3 -> Ch5 CC6
Invert data 0-127 becomes 127-0, add (+/-) offset etc.
Use CC#s to alter parameters of functions etc.
It seems clear to me that the 'visual' side of music software has had too much emphasis of late and that being able to play without mousing is still going to bring a musically worthwhile result.

I have searched and found a few matches in the same ballpark.. but they all seem aimed at replay of .MID files without interaction..

So does anyone know of anything that allows MIDI to interact with either
Open Office or MS(Closed) Office? Or any other spreadsheet?
Greets and Cheers!


Seems to me OOo has a Python interface. But I don't know what MIDI software's available for Python. Looked several years ago but didn't find enough to get my project of that time going. Might be worth checking into though. Good luck.

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