Whats coming next in Zebra ?

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Whats coming next in Zebra ?

The last update was 2.3 and it really didnt had much updates isnt it ?

So what is coming up next cool ?


2.3 *IS* the next update. I'm still fixing some small niggles there, hence it's still beta / release candidate.

Next would be Zebra 2.5 which adds an fx-version to it.

2.3 btw. has a bucketload of improvements and new features compared to 2.2 ;)


And I am still overwhelmed with all the features in the current version... :oops:
I guess I need more hours in a day...


Urs wrote:...Next would be Zebra 2.5 which adds an fx-version to it.
:-o :shock: :love:


Urs wrote: 2.3 btw. has a bucketload of improvements and new features compared to 2.2 ;)
Well, I must say I thought so too Urs.

Just in it's current version, Zebra has enough features and possibilities for a lifetime of sonic tweakage... it really is a killer synth.



Is there a list with the new features ?

i just update to 2.3 and i dont really see them.


giorgiomartini wrote:Is there a list with the new features ?

i just update to 2.3 and i dont really see them.
Here's a lose asembly of things. It isn't complete, but it's roughly teh main bits apart from numerous little bugfixes and improvements:
- you'll have a folder called "MIDI Programs" in your patches directory
- populate it with up to 128 normal patches
- restart your host (the internal patch database is created only once atm)
- switch presets as you like

- final implementation of Eleven osc mode
- 5 new osc fx
- 2 new (and much better!) compressor modes
- new comb filter mode: Blown (useful?)
- 3 new lfo rate modes: 0.1s, 1s, 10s (seconds, host tempo independent)
- new module type (audio): Sideband (Frequency shifter, like ringmodulator, but adds detune and/or vibrato at moderate settings)
- new module type (modulator): ModMapper (kind of Modulator driven envelopes in some other synth)
- [Bypass FX] switch... persists over preset change in project settings
- Voice/Oscillator Drift can be turned off
- single trigger MSEG should keep synced in Arpeggiator
- Oscillators should not start with resetted phase
- new init patch
- ZRev no longer crashes AUValidation
- Reset/Resume do *full* resets, VST song start does not
- "Receptorized / everything in Vstplugins" is now a separate download*
- Envelope Attack now working modulation target!
- Unempty Dark Horse should now show Compressor Type
- support for non-SSE2 machines
- last minute crash bug removed in VST Mac
- works in Renoise

;) Urs


giorgiomartini wrote:Is there a list with the new features ?
i just update to 2.3 and i dont really see them.
Yes its on page one of the thread you downloaded it from. Scroll down a little from the top.
The first thread. Zebra2.3 Release Candidate2


Urs wrote: - new comb filter mode: Blown (useful?)

Urs, it cracks me up that you always ask if the wonderful Blown mode is useful, but you never once asked about Cluster! :lol:

Seriously, we should have a patch contest that is only cluster, or u should release a freeware cluster-only comb synth, just to confuse ppl.



Is there / will there have a way to manage presets from the interface ? (i mean : moving or deleting them)

And will installing v2.3 will install new presets ? (i have made a custom preset folder structure so i am wondering if i will have to do it all again or ? - just curious, all excited about a new version :D )



Presetmanagement is an ongoing project. The whole thing will get better over time, but I can't say when.

2.3 only installs the familiar HS factory bank - no additions. This is optional on Windows.

;) Urs


Urs wrote:Presetmanagement is an ongoing project.
Good news #1
Urs wrote:2.3 only installs the familiar HS factory bank - no additions. This is optional on Windows.
Good news #2

... SO i can safely install already the RC3 ?



Hey Urs, with RTAS just about final on Mac, does that mean work on the Windows version might hopefully begin soon? I'm really interested in it, especially to use with the new MIDI improvements coming in Pro Tools 8.


Geese wrote:Hey Urs, with RTAS just about final on Mac, does that mean work on the Windows version might hopefully begin soon? I'm really interested in it, especially to use with the new MIDI improvements coming in Pro Tools 8.
Might be... I have *no* idea what requirements I'll meet at the Win version yet. The Mac version was quite doable, but if there's anything too "Winny" then I'll need more time.

We'll see. With some luck it's a one day's work.

(I just can't say when... my schedule explodes every day with the explosion of yesterday's schedule...)


Thanks for the update. I will be looking forward to it, whenever it comes out. Keep up the great work.

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