feature request for filterscape

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Any chance of drag and drop modifications to routing instead of using a drop down menu of certain presets?


MitchK1989 wrote:Any chance of drag and drop modifications to routing instead of using a drop down menu of certain presets?
Sheesh... it's difficult. Unlike Zebra, Filterscape's modules are quite dependent on their location within the routing stuff. The delay for instance isn't a single module, it's two or even three - that's how the circularity is achieved.

However I promise to add more routings, i.e. with filters in series.

I'm also thinking about a better way to utilize the mixers. The mixers are naturally the most important part about the understanding routings of Filterscape. I'm trying to figure out a way to put the mixing right into the routing graphics. Such that the signal flow adapts to the mixing, and the mixing can be done right inside the diagram. I will have to make the diagram bigger though. But I guess the whole gui has to grow a bit anyway...

;) Urs


ok, good to know. I had pictured this not like zebra's grid but just showing the hard wired delay and some blank slots to throw the other modules in (including some spots in the delay feedback)... So the delay could still be hardwired, just with the ability to throw the filters and EQ around, really.

But your way sounds great too.


Do you mean like Twin or Circle's drag & drop modulations?


kodama wrote:Do you mean like Twin or Circle's drag & drop modulations?
No, I'm referring only to the part down in the corner where you change where the filters and EQ reside in the effect chain.

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