Trouble Loading .fxp Files Into M-42 in FL Studio

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When I use import vst bank/preset in Wrapper for M-42 with FL, patch does not load. If I drag and drop from browser, preset does not load.
ugo's m-42 patches

Edit: Sent pm to ugo for assistance.


Musical Gym wrote:When I use import vst bank/preset in Wrapper for M-42 with FL, patch does not load. If I drag and drop from browser, preset does not load.
ugo's m-42 patches

Edit: Sent pm to ugo for assistance.
I am sorry to say, that those must have been done with an earlier version of m42, as now it is v2, and due to SE's backward can't load older presets. Sorry about that!



That's okay. I was curious as to how they sounded.
ugo is going to remove link to those as he realizes they are not forward compatible.
Thanks for confirmation.


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