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i've moved vst files to xoxos.net instead of breathcube.com, so the commercial vst are available again - links to demo mp3s, some screenshots et c. aren't being updated, so please don't email me if you find them.

i haven't bothered to edit my webpages to provide a link to hypercube -
a bloqseq-like sequencer for modulating hyperion and circuit.

as i am likely expected to, chances are i'll be "gently disappearing" in the near future. for me it's a lose-lose situation. as always, it does look bad if i act up, if i go quietly, well, i go quietly. one has hoped against all substantiation that sense will manifest as my "existence" has been unusually detained and i am being subjected to "adjustment," despite the thousands of miles between myself and the united states. given that the freemason lodge in the community has it's own roadsign and the number of american accents and palililialia sufferants, i ought not to have bothered leaving, oughtn't i?


i prepared an account which i will paste below, ftr i'd like to state emphatically and accusingly that i did my part. breathcube will solve all of humanity's problems. you are the right people to do it. synthedit, or the vst standard, can't support the memory usage required by new blend, and i can hardly make up for my deficits in programming with the conditions that have been thrust upon me, since i now live in a tent and the requisite texts were too heavy to carry.

i apologise for the messianics. i am what i always have been, of exceeding uncommon erudition and "unaffiliated" memetic redact. build it, and build it first.

i have had some opportunities to plug in, realised the pointlessness of attempting to do any more development under such circumstances, and exorcised some melodies, which i'll post in the music forum.

a few months ago i pulled up a very old post of mine. i was stunned at the vitriolic language i used. every word was truthful and appropriate.


written preemptively for whenever i happen to feel this is appropriate to disclose.. this is an accounting for my intermittent web presence and, in part, most recent productivity (particularly musical productivity). and a greeting to my colleagues.

in 2005 my studio was robbed following two months of very unusual harassment. i lived in a barrio of tucson, my neighbors were "of the barrio," known as the eastside, or deuce nine, for being bordered by 29th street on one side. (or, if you know better, then you know). in 2006 i shared a long document with perhaps half a dozen kvr members detailing these events explicitly, since i had posted frequently about the "mysterious" events that were occuring, as they were occuring.

in short, as the house i rented was secured with wrought iron and an inner security door, and as i worked at home and was rarely absent, perhaps robbing my studio was not a simple matter, and was subjected to two months of psychological abuse, consisting of being constantly kept awake by people knocking on my windows and congregating outside of my house.

for people who have not lived in such neighborhoods, this is difficult to relate to as there was little police responsivity - gunshots were a weekly, if not almost daily sound (25th street, east of craycroft). the two weeks before my studio was robbed saw two separate killings, the second (probably multiple deaths) a revenge for the first based on the "here's a little present from la familia!" i heard shouted before the sound of a door being kicked open and three shots being fired.

i had called the police two months previously and told them i was being harassed, and that these people were attempting to conduct witchcraft on me (whether effective or not, the attempt was real, given the chanting, dancing and scattered crow's feathers). perhaps i should have simply said i was being harassed. there were also two attempts to get me to smoke laced weed, the first unsuspected and successful, so the constant scare tactics certainly resonated in my psyche.

as is generally known, in september of 2005 i fled, having only a credit card and an outfit of bloody clothes. i spent a month in waikiki living outside of the public toilets as i had broken a foot when escaping. when i was able to walk again, i returned to tucson, where i still had half of my studio equipment (only instruments were taken in the robbery, no amps, monitors et c.)

in tucson, i eventually found a job at a call center, about five miles from my previous residence. gradually i noticed that many people from that neighborhood, including my immediate neighbor, worked there, and i was harassed again. these gangs, or "families," do not consign harassment to the "younger, irresponsible generation." i was troubled by people of all age groups, including old mexican ladies, who went so far as to cut off some of my hair while i was working, presumably to make me fear their magic.

on my birthday in january of 2008 i walked in to work to find a sigil they used for me grafitti'ed on my workstation in blue marker (it used to be visible at ruriknation.com, though i've heard this site is down - perhaps it's still at archive.org??) i called the police to report it, the company wouldn't let the police into the building, so i walked out of that job and began making vst full time, opportuned by my recent publicity for winning the 2007 dc.

in 2008, my seductive and relatively peaceful female neighbor moved out and was replaced by an older, very muscular gang member who started to harass me to the same extent that i had been in 2005. again i reported this to the police and on kvr, if not only for the sake of keeping a record. the police were very responsive as my neighbor was an ex convict, and the one time he did attempt to physically beat me was swiftly repudiated by my having spent all morning at various police stations notifying them that i was in danger. the event came to an immediate halt when he found that not only were my forearms stronger than he thought (all that coding does good) and that i was carrying a weapon and sufficient volition to employ it.

shortly afterwards i moved to ajo, arizona. at that point i believed that i was being harassed by "gangsters" as a matter of revenge. (i had dated the daughter of a gang boss in the 90's who had a serious accident shortly after we broke up, so i presumed that i'd been judged to be the blame for that by some familial code of retribution. of course it is difficult to convey in a written account the full extent of pure emnity i had been subjected to in the years of harassment). ajo is near the goldwater military test flight and bombing range and a border patrol base, so i presumed the heightened law enforcement presence would secure my safety.

it did not. i was harassed openly, by professionals.. in ajo, though i had given up reporting it on kvr, being more trouble than it was worth, and would have been more often seen as an excuse for deficiencies in my 2009 dc entry. the "convenient artists' housing" (being easily referencable) i had fled to was close to a freemason lodge (from whom i received unique attention in 2008). it was clear that i was being harassed by some governmental entity, or entity with a sufficient body in government.

i will not detail the treatments i was subjected to, so as not to inspire other ungenerously minded people. i cannot offer conclusive proof, only anecdotal - my father (viewable at leffanta.net, nice hat) was an alleged multinational intelligence agent, a career which presumably ended before i was born. it is possible that this helped to bring me to DHS (department of homeland security, not dimensional holophonic sound) attention. in 2004 i had a short, dysfunctional relationship with a woman who said her father was DHS (insofar that his career had formed her birthname). it's quite probable that my house was robbed exactly one year to the day after i said i didn't want to see her again.

of course, the relationship between music (as memetics) and politics is something to be affirmed or denied by personal belief, if classic greek philosophy is unknown to you, eg. "when the music of a society changes, there should be laws to govern the nature of those changes," and here was i, attempting to create an entirely new form of music with breathcube. breathcube is a politically inspired creation, a "memetic delimiter," designed to obviate the listeners cultural entrainment (so obvious to me as an a-/intercultural person.. nationalally oriented people never seem to fully appreciate how they hear language as they want to hear it).

whether i was targeted for attempting to destabilise the coddled memetics of western society (really, w. s. burroughs demonstrated a greater appreciation of language via randomised conjunction - americans sell themselves on america with every "well handled" epithet, reminding themselves of who they are and how to see and hear) with my evil music generator (a primitive prototype) or out of spite for a failed relatonship with a secret serviceman's daughter (the particularities are beyond relating), i was authentically given the full nancy sinatra treatment. for one thing, i never want to hear the phonetic sequence "pill" again. (see william gibson's "spook country," the chapter entitled "brotherman," for an example of the "secret language" apparently used to harass undesirables).

it was indirectly suggested to me that i emigrate, and so i did, since my problem had followed me to ajo. if only i'd gone to san francisco. not having a legal guarantor for my passport, i was issued one nevertheless. there were nice american gentlemen at the consulate and airports and every step of the journey to make sure i got where i was going and didn't get anywhere else. i had a police escort for virtually every mile of the freeway.

why am i so confident in my sanity?

for instance, i rented a car in los angeles. within 20 minutes the "rurik" sigil was drawn on my windshield. i slept in that car for four nights waiting for my flight, and on the fourth morning i woke up to find it drawn again. i should have taken a picture of that, though, as always, "i could have drawn them myself," the same way that those charming beadwork "voodoo dolls" i posted in november could have been my own work (and only make me look ridiculous since everyone knows sophisticated cointel ops don't use native american sympathetic magic dolls).

the hostel i had booked for my first night in the new country was inundated with "mexicans," as one native person put it, who constantly used the vocabulary referenced above. one transient walked in front of me shouting about my pyramid. (in ajo, they played a very audible punk rock concert in the center of town with a song about my pyramid. all very charming). i expect that the expectation is that one day i'll flip out and say "all these people trying to make me buggy are making me buggy!" instead of making me think that they have a poor grasp of intellect and ought to expend their energy more productively.

as someone on kvr had posted, moving did not deter the attentions of my "in(-)sect friends." i expect the objective is to keep me out of productivity, or at least from making a popularly appreciable breathcube candidate for the time being. of course, i have no explanation as to why these cultists (as they must be given their use of cant and occult symbols and unwillingness to conduct themselves as conscientious individuals) haven't simply arranged a convenient accident. perhaps "i might" have impressed them with my articulate sensibilities and be resourced in the future, or my tribulations and protests are amusing.

listen to the audio demo for "aerophone," and ask yourself if the person who composed swing harmony so easily for the bulk of "robot discotheque" and dire ear would have produced such undeveloped material unless he were holding one finger in his ear attempting to ignore the professionally amplified verbal abuse of a large black man at his door? would a joyless paranoiac have written "have fun," or "honey"? i obviously delighted in such composition.

why does all the pop music i hear seem to be performed with real instruments, yet the timing is strictly mechanical as if noone will notice that all the potential for interesting timbres has been vanished and substituted with the classic instruments of rock? "why so afraid of what electricity made?" someone fears, or wants to hold back evolution. dr. who vs. gary glitter, 1987.

i wish i had a more rational sounding excuse for why i'm not online, the truth is that i have been driven out of venues where i can be productive, by.. neighborhood gang? grievous ex-girlfriends? gangsta rapper seeing an easy opportunity to safely rob my studio? nanny government subduing quasiterrorist? why not the lot? i expect that one potential opponent has exascerbated others. i have places to recharge my laptop battery, though the ants and flies don't do much to set the mood for programming, and since "the americans" and their colleagues can't sit on top of me all the time, i've mostly been taking the opportunity to engender a less aggravated, more presentable psyche at present, so that i can one day code again indoors, in a calm and quiet environment with a pair of modestly decent monitors. lately the excuse for being surrounded with "americans with palililialia" (a most amusingly and appropriately named speech disorder) has been an oh-so convenient global conference of people who speak in tongues.

as far as new blend goes, it was essentially generative algorithms, poorly and hastily arranged for demonstration. i also suspect that the amount of memory it uses in song generation isn't suited to my or perhaps synthedit or vst format's current use of memory allocation, so that waits.

am i soliciting for donations? against such odds, what are the chances of me being useful again? imo, undecided. i'm "preternaturally thoughtful and considerate," which i think are fair survival odds against "obsequiously resentful towards anything slightly clever."

the food is better here, and the people are attractive and healthy, and generally bear less resemblance to migrating lovecraftian star spawn.
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.



btw, catching the above copy/paste and seeing the word 'donations' - hah. well, it wasn't now when i wrote it, it was then.

you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


You camp in Europe? WTF? We have -20 °C here in Germany at night.
Disclaimer: This post is not meant to insult or attack anyone. All terms that can be considered as patronising, antagonistic, rude or even arrogant and snide are a mere result of my limited abilities of the english language.


Hmm, that was an interesting read, but I did just skim thru some of it.

It's cold here now, but weather-wise, we're pretty much the ideal state. I say this because I really hate any weather above 60 F. Plus people get louder in the summer, it would be fine if the music they blared wasn't so boring. We old timers'll show em!
The only site for experimental amp sim freeware & MIDI FX: http://runbeerrun.blogspot.com
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i'm attempting to upload the broken links (stoq, syng2 and fauna apparently)

i have this window open so i'll post here, though i'll have to finish uploading from another computer

all files should be http://www.xoxos.net/vst/filename.zip

a tip for syng2 users -
the 'w' consonant has high resonance on the bandpass filters used to create the formants, which causes a 'click' when switching to some other sounds. i usually circumvent this by sequencing a long 'o' ('oo') just in front of the antecedent phoneme, which is close enough and transforms seamlessly in the projects i've used it on.

all the best, sorry to be quick.
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


I heard Syng2 sing I 'remember the baby bird' in 'reminiscin' :D
... very endearing indeed :love:
(Hyperion is the "random plugin of the hour" as I'm typing this)
& you got mail @ xoxosvst :hug:


keep up your work and your research mate.
i read that stuff you wrote.

hey: i saw a crazy thai film the other night here: mo-thai!!!!! i'm sure it
used breathcube or xchanter (or whatever it's called)in the chase sequence music!
( maybe 'syng'? )


that would be different :p (hmm.. norsez.. the guy who wrote the f/w jv1010 editor, and onkot vst, nice singing voice.. he went back to thailand c. 2001..)
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


now,i hope you've been doing your affirmations this time...;)

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