CrossOver in EnergyXT

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I received a feedback and bug-report for the CrossOver, which (with permission of the author) i quote here:
Juanjo wrote:Hi there,
I've just read about the new version of your Crossover plugin, and first of all let me thank you for filling a much needed niche. It will be very useful to me and thus much appreciated.
I'd also like to report one minor issue that i've come across, not a big deal but I do a lot of betatesting for other VST devs and I've learned that you guys usually tend to appreciate non-trivial bug reports and feedback :)

- BR: Weird "clipped" noise in energyXT
1. Load Crossover in energyXT (1.4 or 2.5) and feed it an audio input
2. Isolate one band (i.e. the lowest) and monitor its output: what you hear is the part of the signal corresponding to the band as expected, PLUS some weird and very unpleasant noise, like "ugly clipping". Note that the noise only appears when there's signal present at the output and that it seems kinda proportional to the signal... if the plugin is bypassed or simply in silence (no signal passing through) then there's no noise whatsoever either.

Reproducible in energyXT 1.4 and 2.5 in my dual core laptop under WinXP SP3. I also tested in the latest version Reaper and I can't reproduce it there, but weirdly enough the noise that I hear in energyXT all the time is the same noise that I hear in Reaper while adjusting the frequency cut points for the bands (and only while adjusting the bands, once adjusted it sounds clean as expected).

Again, it's not a big deal for me as I can work with the plugin in Reaper or other hosts, just thought I'd let you know.

i have just installed energyXT and i can repeat the crackle here. it seems like impulses that occur with the blocksize. strange to have something like that appearing only in certain hosts. does this occur in other hosts as well? ...will now investigate what's up with this.

by the way: if it's indeed my fault, i actually consider it as a 'big deal', though. we'll see...
Last edited by Music Engineer on Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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after some experiments, it appears that i get access violations as in writing beyond the end of an array/buffer in energyXT. by the way: the crackle when adjusting band-frequencies in other hosts is normal (though arguably not really desirable) and therefore most probably unrelated - it's a common artifact when adjusting cutoff frequencies of high order filters.
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...hope it's fixed now.
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Yep, it seems to be fixed... the artifacts are gone for me in both versions of energyXT now. Thanks!
The mind boggles.


Juanjo wrote:Yep, it seems to be fixed... the artifacts are gone for me in both versions of energyXT now. Thanks!
yoh - glad to hear that. thanks also for the bug report. it was indeed a significant one. i made an (in general) invalid assumption about how the channels are organized in memory. although my assumption seems to hold true for a lot of hosts, energyXT apparently does it differently - which is legal by the VST-specification (because it's not specified at all there).
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