another dumbstep track

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another made in 1 hour #dumbstep "song" ... ep%202.mp3


bump, should i keep it or trash it?


I think you should trash it. But I'd say that for any Dubstep song anyway :-D


i say the same, but i've been presured to do some, so i do it in front of the presurers in like 1 hour, mashing any keys on the controller to show hem how dumb it can be

worse part is they usually say its great(and they mean it, they really DO love that crap)


Dude I had the exact same experience with "minimal" music. I was showing a friend how to make minimal in Ableton Live for like 10 minutes, and another friend entered the room and said : "Wow, that's amazing ! Who's this ? Deadmou5 or something ?" ... After that I considered trying to kill myself ...or him ;)


Making music under pressure is not a good way to work, maybe don't worry about what's expected of you and just make what makes you happy. Sorry if that sounds new age


i'm not doing it under presure, i just try to show people how quick and easy it is to make, when i say presured, i mean people told me "if its so easy, why dont you make one" and i replied by : "ok, just sit there and watch how it's done" and just make random noises with a cheezy beat, and they're all like wow like if i was composing a symphony or some real music (it also allows me to mentally note which of them never to take any critics on my music from seriously :lol:)

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