"Note off" on Sub-Session unload

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I use Cantabile live with a couple of vsts although I mainly use Omnisphere now. Instead of loading multiple instances of Omnisphere I usually load one instance with multiple patches that I can switch by changing the midi channel with a midi filter. So when I'm switching sub-sessions, I'm often only changing the midi channel. The nice thing about this is if I have a sound with a long release and I use my foot controller to switch to a different sound, the first sound will not stop abruptly. The problem I have been encountering now, is that when I accidently press my foot switch before I let go of the note(s), I send the "note off" event on a different channel. --> The notes get stuck. Now I thought I could just have Cantabile send a "note off" for all notes on the channel I had on as soon as I unload a sub-session to fix this problem. It would work theoretically, but in the trigger menu I can only select one specific note for the "note off" event, which means I would have to set 88 triggers if I wanted to be safe...

Is there any possibility to send a "note off" on all notes? Or does anyone have another solution?



"I would have to set 88 triggers if I wanted to be safe... "

Midi defines a CC for "all notes off". You can use that instead - just prove that your plugin or HW module processes it proper, not all do that.
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


Thanks a lot, I wasn't aware of that. Now is there any way to set up a trigger so that it sends the cc on all channels? Right now I have to define it for each channel separately


You might also check Omnisphere's 'Live' mode.
You can flip patches on the fly and not kill release. All from the same channel.



Yeah I've tried that, but it doesn't do exactly what I want. I like to switch through patches with my foot switch the way the are arranged in the song instead of choosing sounds every time.
Example: I have a song that goes Vers - Chorus - Vers - Chorus - Bridge - Chorus.
In the verses I have a piano sound, in the chorus a string sound and in the bridge an organ sound. Now instead of always switching between piano and strings, I want to just always go forward. So in sub-sessions I would go piano1-strings1-piano2-strings2-organ-strings3. To do that in Omnisphere I would have to load the sounds multiple times and with only 8 slots, I won't have enough for lots of songs.
But live mode works great when I'm just jamming with my band. I can have a couple of different sounds available and freely switch around. Since a have 8 buttons on my keyboard, I can just assign them to those and switch to the desired patch right away.


I reckon if you issue all note off on all channels at the same time as you come down on new notes... you could be in for a heap o' trouble.


Hm, that is a good point. Maybe I should just set it individually for every sub-session for that channel. It won't take all that much time to set. Well, thanks everyone, I think I've got it all figured out the way I want to have it.


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