I cannot name programs properly (in Reaper)

Official support for: tx16wx.com
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I am just trying this wonderful sampler. I used the Yamaha TX16w years ago and coud not believe when I found this by chance. At last a software sampler that allows you to record directly.

I am having an issue when using it with Reaper x64 as the host.
When I try to type an "m" or a "y" there is no input. Well, if y hold down the "m" key then a lot of ems apear so I just have to delete all except the first one. But I cannot to this with the letter "y".

I have tried to set up Reaper to treat plug-ins as separate proceses and then it Works fine.
I would not like to change this,I prefer setting it to its default (automatic bridging) because I have a lot of projects and if I change this to separate or dedicated process I miss the patches.
Any hint?
Kind regards,

P. S.: English is not my language so I apologize for any mistake.
There are 10 types of people: those who do understand binary and those who do not.


I reply myself.
I have downloaded the 32 bit versión of TX16Wx and it Works fine.
Could this be a bug?
Kind regards,
There are 10 types of people: those who do understand binary and those who do not.


This is a known bug that will be fixed in the upcoming release. The problem is a slight inconsistency in how key events are delivered to the plug-in between hosts.
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Thank you very much.
On the other hand I must say congratulations for your project.It is really an awesome product. I am used to make my own samples so it's perfect for me. I wish it will become a new standard.
Best regards,
There are 10 types of people: those who do understand binary and those who do not.

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