Undo in clip mode is missing.

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No undo in clip mode? I did some audio edits and there seems to be no way to undo (cntrl-Z) them? Is this a demo limitation?


can also be, that your keyboard settings may are in the wrong "language" ? try cntrl-y ?
(had this before ;)


do you mean with the undo key command or with the menu's edit>undo selection?
if caps lock is on (for qwerty note mode), turn it off.
at the moment, caps lock being on disables key commands, which is a shame.
i asked for any modifier keys to be 'let through' in qwerty mode a few months ago in beta, but i guess it wasnt on the list of things to fix before release. i've seen a few mentions about this already today so i'm sure a fix will come along soon enough.


Def some weird behavior. No undo until I switched focus to the mixer and back. After that whatever I did in the clip became undoable. The caps lock key wasn't on, btw. Could be related though.

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