Will this feature be implemented(or maybe it is already)? Assign PC keyboard keys to DAW objects

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In ableton I could select a box that said key in the top right. Then click on a DAW element and type a key to control that function. For example I could assign the number 1 on my computer keyboard to mute channel 1 in the mixer. Maybe this is doable already but this feature would be great. This is how I jam on the session I have to see if certain things are working or not and I don't really have much room left in my space for a midi controller to do all this. Will this be possible in the future or is it already?


Would be cool if bitwig could answer this one.


It is documented that the commander will have the ability to custom program all of the functions later when they get the bugs worked out of the initial release. Yes it won't be like ableton… but will be like cubase/logic/etc.
Jared F

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