Feature Request

Official support for: bitwig.com
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First of all, I want to congratulate you guys on a really awesome product. The design and layout if wonderful and I can see it speeding up my workflow immensely. 2 major things I'd like to request, though.

Audio Unit support - As a Logic user, I haven't bothered installing VST versions of my plug-ins over the years. So that means I now have to either re-install all my plug-ins from scratch, or do without some of my most used plug-ins and synths. I can't be the only one.

Some sort of "Quick Comp" mode - I work with vocals a lot and need to build composites frequently. A method of creating comps similar to the way Logic does it would be an awesome addition.



+1 to comping, like logic/pro tools.
"You can learn anything if you put the time in, only difference is some people are faster learners than others...DEAL WITH IT"


I like the way Reason comps tracks, that'd be cool!


Would it be a good idea if the play head could be modulated on any clip in real time?
For example: Slowing down and speeding up the tempo of a clip or even scratching controlled by a dj controller of a clip on the fly while the arrangement view is playing?

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