One thing on the Modulation

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First up: I Like the way Bitwig handles its Modulation (think of it as of the Signal Flow in a Modular Hardware Synth you know why things work like they do).
The only Thing that could be better is the haptic when using several Modulation Sources on, say, a Synth.
Just as an Idea: Why don´t give the users a Big View (as for the Edit view that´s replacing the Arrangement when you hit it´s Button) for a (let´s call it) "Modulation Container", perhaps split up into 3 equaly large Spaces: One for the Modulations (on top), one for the Synth(s) (in the middle) and one for the FX (at bottom)? That way you get a better overlook then to put a Synth into the FX SLot of an LFO, put that Combination into the FX Slot of another LFO to use Both on the Same Synth, put that Combination into the FX Slot of an Envelope follower and so on.

If you once get used to it it works quite well the way it does, but the overlook could be perfected.

All in All i like Bitwig verry much, it does all i want it to do the way i want it to do (ok, mostly, at some points i had to re think the workflow, comming from ableton where some things done differently). With Bitwig for me there´s no ned to switch from ableton to Cakewalk for some tasks and from there to Reaper for some other, all features i use in this 3 DAWS are all integrated into Bitwig. So it´s a one Stop Situation for me.

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