Delay Lama OSX VST Beta available!

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion


Hello great people of K-v-R!

AudioNerdz is proud to present the Public Beta of the OSX VST incarnation of Delay Lama, the Virtual Tibetan Singing monk. A lot of friendly users have asked us for it, and now that we're all graduated we finally found the time to port the little bugger.

We've tested it on several different OSX systems/hosts, and as far as we can see it works perfectly. Still, we are very interested to find out whether you guys can find any issues with it, which we could work out before the actual "actual" release :-)

So, please download Delay Lama OSX VST at the AudioNerdz website. The download requires an email address, but don't worry: we only want to use it for other nice stuff we think you'd like to know.

Please use this KvR topic for any bugreports, and to check whether they have already been resolved.

Thanks a bunch in advance, and have fun!!!

Thanks goes also to our good friends at Project SAM, who not only make great sample libraries, but were also kind enough to lend us their ultra-cool iBook G4. And of course to all the people that have donated to the good cause at!!!
Last edited by Xwick [AudioNerd] on Fri Apr 23, 2004 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.


When will an AU version come? Most OS X host apps only support AU, ya know?
[ Destroy FX - ]
[ Smartelectronix - ]


We're working on that one too, don't worry. I'm pretty sure even that it won't take as long this time :-)


:) ... cheers nerdz ... ;)


woohoo! i check your site from time to time to check updates on the osx release. now it's finally here. FUN times ahead!! :D


Thanks a lot, nerdz! Now I can finally get back to meditating on my Mac addiction! :lol:


Delay Lama is now one of the coolest things on my computer.
He's so cute the little guy.

It works totally fine with Vst-Au wrapper under Logic Pro 6.4.1.



Yes! He's back !

Working well under :
* Ugly VSTi interface
* Protools via the FXpansion VST-RTAS wrapper.

and also
*Plogue Bidule.

ALSO!!! :
In Plogue Bidule I noted that Delay Lama has a MIDI output as well as two audio outputs.

I linked the MIDI output up to few other VSTs - Slayer, Claw - and they respond to mouse movement on DL's "flag", picking up the pitch slides and responding on some paramters to the vowel changes - very cool!!!!

They don't respond when the lama is played from the MIDI keyboard, but that doesn't really matter.

This also means that even with the outputs of Delay Lama turned off, you can use it's Tibetan flag as an unusual pitch controller for other instruments :)


its so funny... am luvin it ! 8)


Thanks guys.

About the MIDI output: we added that feature so you can record your moves on the flag inside hosts that support VST MIDI output, like Cubase SX.


Xwick [AudioNerd] wrote:Thanks guys.

About the MIDI output: we added that feature so you can record your moves on the flag inside hosts that support VST MIDI output, like Cubase SX.
Cool 8)


Excellent News :D

AudioNerdz rock 8)

Can't wait for the AU version - this will make a lot of GarageBand users very happy - till then i'll have to use a vst wrapper...

Free Tibet!

Mac Music Community


I can't seem to get past the install window on my computer.
Maybe a stuffit problem?
I'm getting the 'can't install the software on this disk.(null)' prompt when i try to select my main drive as a install destination.

Any ideas?




Hitting the "Back" tab, then trying again did the trick.
(thanks to our friends at



Works fine on Max/MSP 4.3 too...

Could you give more detail about the output generated from the X/Y pad?
What exactly are the MIDI messages/controllers?


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