Rack filters presets

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I'm just wondering if there are any "standard configuration" rack filter presets available to act as templates for setting up sends etc - or example files that use them - just so I can get to grips with what I can do with them more easily.


Hey aMUSEd--

There's valley's racks tutorial at [url]http:www. adbe.com[/url] Even I've made a rack filter :D so it's not hard :oops: . Modular wanted to set up a system for sharing racks n such but that hasn't happened yet afaik. Welcome to the funhouse in any event!


i got about three quarters of the way thru writing a preset sharing app for Tracktion, when i got dumped with a whole load of coursework for uni!

i might just pick it up in the meantime, but i've lost a little steam over it as i've discovered a way of sharing racks anyway!

when you've gotten the hang of them, if you're interested in trying out some really messed up rack configurations, get hold of modulr's 'building block' filter pack and get my AutoSwitchXFade RackFilter pack [both in fairly recent threads].

my website will hold mostly RackFilter packs, when i've finished my coursework and exams! i've been working on a few for a bit now. I'll make sure i make a 'basic' rackFilter example pack too! thanks for the ideas! :D
Kick, punch, it's all in the mind.


Hey haydxn,
I have yet to venture into the world of racks but I am wondering; is this the best way of saving a group of filters with the same settings to be used over various projects, or is there a more straightforward approach? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Right now I think racks are probably the best way.

You can also save a song as a library edit (kind of a clumsy default song), but this can be pretty confusing also.

I'm hoping the ability to save a default song is on the V2 list.
Someone shot the food. Remember: don't shoot food!


i find that it is, yes!

for example, i made a 'crappy old piano' rackfilter, comprising of an epiano instrument and a load of chorus, detune and delay filters, which i then saved as a preset. now i can recreate that at any stage in any project.

Any RackFilters that get added to the presets are stored in Tracktion's configuration file. This config file can be EXPORTED in the settings page, for later importing should you have do a reinstall at a later date without a full backup of the Tracktion directory. This will also safeguard your custom settings, such as shift/wheel=zoom etc..

However, on top of this, Rackfilters are saved in the project edit file, so that they are recreated when the project is opened even if you haven't added them to the presets.

For this reason, i recommend creating a 'RackPresets' project, in which you store your favourite rackPresets. Should your config file get screwed, you will have a project that you can open to re-add your favourite racks to the presets list. It also means that you can send the project archive to another Tracktion user who can, providing they own the filters used, incorporate them into their own projects.

This is what i do:
1) Create an empty project
2) Add the RackFilter to a track (by itself)
3) Create a blank midi clip, using the textbox for the 'name' as a reminder of the rack's purpose.

i put each rack on a separate track, and i like also to have them set up in a normal routing configuration. i.e., if it takes input from two audio tracks, i'd have it set up on two tracks with the routing properly set up. Check out my AutoSwitch RF archive if you don't understand what i mean!
I also like to keep racks grouped by type in archives. Instrument combinations go into an instruments project, Lo-Fi FX go into a LoFi etc...

These are my methods anyway, draw from them what you will. I hope that any of this information is useful?


NOTE: this pack uses ModuLR's building blocks as a basis for the racks, but the example layout of the edit is still viewable without the plugins. [these are fun racks to use tho! try 'em out if you get bored ;) ]
Kick, punch, it's all in the mind.


Thanks guys for your advice. Haydxn I appreciate your detailed post and link. Time to get my head around this stuff!
I'm having a great time with Tracktion; in the middle of recording an acoustic guitar instumental CD, now it will be easy to give the same EQ/compression/reverb to the guitar in tracks that I want the same sound for.

Thanks again

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