One of the most nerdy ways for 3D-heads to make music :-)

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Hey everbody.

On this hot summer day in Berlin, I thought I should share a pretty weird and nerdy way to use Rhino 3D (NURBS modeller and the totally awesome, node-based Grasshopper plugin for it ( to make music with the help of a GH plugin called "Cicada" (
Cicada gives you several nodes to send notes, pitchbend, CCs and program change and define/select a midi output. I successfully tried it via Grasshopper -> LoopMidi -> Bitwig -> Alchemy with this little patch:


The green timer creates a pulse every 50 ms, triggers "Wandering Vector" generators that create X/Y/Z coordinates ala "drunkards walk", the vectors get unwrapped into their components, scaled to the needed value ranges via expressions, visualized by creating a circle/polygon in the Rhino viewport and finally fed to LoopMidi with the dedicated Cicada-nodes. The CCs modulate the Alchemy X/Y morph parameters.

While this first test has no real practical value other than me finding out how it works, I can see some interesting possibilities in generating notes from geometric objects or create objects from music/midi and 3D-print them... (there is another plugin that can create NURBS curves from audio).

And before you ask, no, I don't recommend Rhino/Grasshopper as a general DAW ;-)

I thought this should fit perfectly in the "Saure-Gurken-Zeit" which is how we call the hot time in summer where everybody is on vacation, things are slow and there are not that many news, so more obscure stuff comes to the rescue...


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
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Thank you!


That is really cool Thomas!
Thanks for sharing. :)


So there are some other nerds here too... ;-) :tu:

And since I mentioned the audio input above: this is me singing, "recorded" live in Grasshopper/Rhino with the help of "Firefly" ( as NURBS splines in regular intervals, lofted, extruded (so its a solid and could be 3D-printed for instance) and rendered in Thea Render for Rhino:


The icy look is probably my subconscious dreaming of an iceberg right now... :D

Would be fun printing your favourite song as a relief for your studio wall as a diffuser :-) (if only large-scale-3D-printing would be more affordable...).


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
ScreenDream | Instagram | YouTube


This is hilarious! Actually, my first thought was "Rhino is still around?!"

I might have to take a look at other 3D tools which could potentially be abused for similar purposes. I could write some Maxscript for this, or potentially some hooks into Modo. But I suppose the most cross-platform approach would be to develop something like this for Fabric Engine...
Incomplete list of my gear: 1/8" audio input jack.


Hehehe, well, live and learn ;-)

Rhino is going quite strong in fact - and Grasshopper is simply brilliant, the first procedural modelling tool that makes actual sense to me.
I used to use Softimage XSI and ICE, which was fantastic for many things but creating geometry with it was a royal pain.
I would also call Grasshopper the most lovingly and beautifully executed node-system I've ever seen, some of the nodes are works of art. A real pleasure to work with.
Fabric Engine Canvas has a long way to go before it reaches that level of usability - but it's meant for a different kind of user anyway, more the code-savy TD-ish kind of person. Too bad they don't support any of my tools of choice so far.
But yeah, hopefully over time more diverse addons for it will be provided by the userbase - would be fun to have GPU-powered realtime geometry creation from sound... :-)


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
ScreenDream | Instagram | YouTube


Seems like fun looking at the pictures alone - would you mind sharing with us what all that stuff sounds like? :)
This could be your ad!


The first project brought out an automation bug in Bitwig Studio 1.2 Beta 4 so it does not sound as intended ATM.
The waveforms for the second one I just "recorded" live into Rhino, I have no audio of that.
I hope I'll have some results to hear in the future - I just started my exploration...


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
ScreenDream | Instagram | YouTube

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