Engine v2.3.0.46 BETA shows as v2.3.0.25 in OS X Finder preview

Official support for: bestservice.de


I just ran the Engine v2.3.0.46 BETA installer to restore support for Mac OS X 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion), which support was absent in v2.3.0.25.

When displaying the app in OS X Finder's column view, the preview pane shows "v." as the version number, and that version also shows at the bottom of the Engine Preferences window when running the app in standalone mode.

However, when loading the Engine plugin in Logic Pro, the bottom of the Engine Preferences window confirms that the plugin is v2.3.0.46.

I suspect that, despite the app showing as "v2.3.0.25" in the Finder and in standalone mode, that's an error that somebody forgot to fix in the BETA version. Engine v2.3.0.25 definitely did not run in OS X 10.8.5, and this new BETA version seems to be working fine, both in standalone mode and as an AU plugin in Logic Pro.
Logic Pro v9.1.8; OS X 10.10.5; Mac Pro 6.1 6-Core 3.5 GHz, 64GB RAM, 1TB SSD; Genelec S-30BNF tri-amped monitors


Hi Fizzicist,

the standalone has already worked for all users with 10.8.5 only the plugin didn´t worked. That´s the reason why the beta version was released. The beta version restores the possibility to use it as VST/AU again. Also that´s the reason why the plugin has another version number.

If you have further questions please get in touch with us via support [at] bestservice.de


Nope...no further questions. Thanks for your reply!
Logic Pro v9.1.8; OS X 10.10.5; Mac Pro 6.1 6-Core 3.5 GHz, 64GB RAM, 1TB SSD; Genelec S-30BNF tri-amped monitors

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