Expression maps in Cubase do not work well

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I am not sure if this is a Cubase or Shreddgae (Jupiter) problem.

I am using expression maps and they usually work okay if played from the start of the song. However, I notice that if I start in the middle of a measure or sometimes at the beginning of a measure, the correct keyswitch will not trigger (it will stay on the last keyswitch). I have to go back the start of the song and play through, or I have to manually hit the keyswtich in Kontact. Other instruments work perfectly using expression maps.

Any others using expression maps?

Can I use UACC to make articulation changes? This might be a workaround if necessary.



Correct, keyswitches are not well suited for that sort of thing. You can use UACC, this is why there's TACT and you can use CCs as articulation switches.

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