Effective Music Making: an Intro to Practical Harmony Theory

Chords, scales, harmony, melody, etc.
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This is a series of videos I have almost finished that covers all the necessary basics for making your own music. The whole idea here is NOT to be getting bogged down in tiny pedantic rules* and genre but to focus on the groundwork that makes anyone able to avoid things like getting stuck in 8-bar loops or writer's block and make every music-making session effective.

There are 8 videos in all. They are long; all about 1 hour which is coincidentally the timing for a music Lesson that costs $60. There is a lot in each episode so they are all broken up into Chapters to help you pause & pick-up as well as come back to revisit a point. I will strongly encourage starting at the beginning and working through it all. Best not to go skipping ahead as every later video is built on the ones before.

YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... VY8_5jBzFv
Official: https://benedictroffmarsh.com/2023/08/0 ... effective/

Effective Music Episodes:
00: Intro (above)
01: The Octave
02: Chords
03: Melody
04: Variation
05: Arrangement
06: Drums & Rhythm
07: Genre

*No pedantry please. I am deliberately iconoclastic and tongue-in-cheek to try to keep some humor as well as to remove us from the usual traps.

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