Groove Shaper (by Pitch Innovations)

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"Your one-of-a-kind creative sequencer for instant rhythms! Generate captivating Hi-hats, Bass-lines, Short String motifs and more" ... ve-shaper/

Let' see what's so innovative that their intense pre-marketing strategy was justified. Personally, I have doubts because no well-known influencer was involved. In fact, there was no influencer involved at all. Friggin' noobs. :hihi:


Yep, this gated-style is not new (good find, btw).

Haven't tried this plug yet but already guess it has something to give to bedroom EDM-producers.


Nice that it does it real-time. I think Flume used granular, ie lots of editing.


It's similar to Beat Scholar in the use of shapes


@ UncleE

My first impression was the usage of FL Studio's "chop" function which basically ... erm ... chops chords in various user-definable ways. Though, can't tell too much about it as I don't use FLS anymore.

In any case, FLS' piano roll tool is not real-time, so your comment points to the true novelty.


Yes, many ways to do it. I like this implementation best because I hate editing.


Its a cool idea, VST 3 in Mac/Cubase causes hangs when using it with UHE synths and a few others. Otherwise worth a demo if you're into this sorta thing, one nice thing is its own mini sample player, really easy to use as a one shot player.
Mac Studio
Cubase 13, Ableton Live 12


just been updated. lets check it out 8)

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